59// Good Idea

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"It's under control" Angelo muttered under his breath as we all stood in silence.

"under control?!" I said feeling my lip swollen, "You're my best friend man, and you didn't even tell me!"

"Because this is how you are!" Angelo shouted racing his hand and placing it at the top of his head, "Adam's a prick, but trust me.. It's under control-"

"You're damn right" I replied hastily, "when I'm done with that asshole-"

"Nathan, please" Lorena pleaded approaching me, "Let me sort you out, you're a mess-"

"This whole thing is a mess, you ran to Angelo? You didn't even tell me?" I think that hurt more than my lip, probably more than the fact she was leaving. I couldn't believe she would tell Angelo and not me.

"It wasn't like that, I swear" she said quickly, "Tatiana told Angelo last week, after I decided to go with Gabriel."

"Thanks a lot everyone, wow" I sighed deeply, "So you all knew, didn't think to tell Nathan though" I muttered sarcastically straightening my jacket. I wiped my lip with the back of my hand, the red liquid covered the back of my hand.

"You probably need stitches" Tatiana said outloud glancing between me and Lorena.

"What are you a doctor?" I replied sarcastically shaking my head,  "I'm going home and tomorrow I'm going to sort this shit out."

"Leave it" Angelo said irritated at my behaviour, "You make shit worse Nathan, just go home and sober up.. Call me tomorrow," he gave my lip a glance and began pulling Tatiana in the opposite direction.

I watched them all leave behind him, like a flock of sheep and I rolled my eyes as Lorena didn't budge, her eyes fixated on me,  on my cut lip.

"Go home Lorena" I mumbled, "I'm fine,  just go."

"Let me just walk home with you, I can make sure you get home safe.. Please stop being so stubborn" she said, "I'll get a taxi from yours."

I couldn't face rejecting her,  after everything tonight. Kissing Gina flashed before my eyes as I looked at her, I was such an asshole. I nodded reluctantly as she began pacing ahead slightly, looking down at what she was wearing she looked amazing. The dress she had on was skin tight with long black boots that came to her knee, she'd straightened her hair which was in a high ponytail.

"Lorena, why didn't you tell me about Adam?" I asked after a few moments, "Is that why you're leaving?"

She hesitated before glancing back at me, "no, I'm leaving because I can't deal with this,  between us.. Adam does add to it, but otherwise no."

I didn't say much else as we slowly walked to my place, my lip had become dry and I guessed it had stopped bleeding. Thank God.
Lorena stopped outside the door,  giving me a quick smile,  it was fake I could tell, she was concerned about me as I was her.

"Do you wanna come in? For like a minute?" I asked quickly half bracing myself for her rejecting me.

"Do you think that's a good idea?" her tone neutral,  I wasn't sure if that was a trick question or not.

"Why not? It's not like you've never been in before?" I shrugged, "I'm only asking you to come in, you can order your taxi upstairs-"

"Fine" she agreed giving me a hand signal to hurry me in the door,  I smiled at her attitude and she gave me a small smirk.

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