2 // Lorena Luiz

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I had decided to go to next class, I was intrigued who was that girl? I had asked Bethany who shrugged and flounced off and I'd even described her to Angelo who was none of the wiser.

"Oh Mr Saint, how lovely of you to finally join us!" My teacher said sarcastically but I wasn't really listening, my eyes scanned the room  looking for her.
"Nathan!" The teacher shouted gaining my attention, that's when I saw her. Back of the class, chewing on gum staring straight back at me.

"I'm here aren't I?" I shrugged at the teacher who dismissed me to my seat, in fact I didn't have a designation seat so I took that as my opportunity to scout out the mystery hot head.

She scowled as I sat down moving my chair towards her, I could sense she felt uncomfortable but her face didn't show it, she sat there glaring at me as I focused on what the teacher was talking about.

"Why are you sitting-"

"Shhh" I cut her off motioning at the talking teacher, I smirked a little at her face that was now had an agitated expression.

"Cut the shit, I know you aren't here for class" she hissed picking up her pencil, her hands slender and skinned tanned, she must have been Italian or something. "Nathan?"

"How do you know my name?" I asked her quietly, now I really was intrigued. How could I not even know her name yet she was sitting here with the judgemental look on her face that acted as if she knew everything about me.

"I've heard a lot about you, not good things neither" she snapped, "so I suggest you leave me alone."

I laughed a little at her attitude, this has to be the first girl who stood up to me. Didn't she find me attractive? I mean, everyone else did. I glanced at her, her black Raven hair flicking past her shoulders and her perfectly angled face, she had to be one of the best looking girls in the campus, yet how have I not noticed her?
"Don't act like you don't find me irresistible, I can tell by your attitude."

She scoffed and I was prepared for a witty comeback but the teacher interrupted us, giving me a knowing look she turned to the girl beside me and frowned.

"Lorena Luiz, focus okay?" The teacher called before turning back to the class.

Bingo, her name was Lorena. Lorena, that had have some kind of Mediterranean origin, she certainly looked it too. She was hot as fuck, and the feisty attitude was a huge bonus. I'd now made it my personal conquest to sleep with this girl no matter what.

"Lorena, nice to meet you" I flashed her a smile as she muttered something under her breath.

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