39// thank me later

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I stayed clear of Paisley for the rest of the day, and the bell didn't come quick enough. I packed up my things and was out of that door before anyone else.
I needed my bed, I felt drained from it all. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.

"Hey man, you wanna hang with us?" Liam asked as we reached the gate,

I shook my head, "I have work to do... Sorry" I lied.

"Listen, forget about that girl" Liam said giving me a pat of the arm, "she obviously don't care for you."

I nodded in agreement, "I'll be round tomorrow."

A loud motorcycle broke our thoughts as it pulled up beside us, I stopped for a second to see what kind of bike it was. I'd always wanted one, the driver pulled off his helmet and greeted us.

"What's up" it was Adam, just my luck.

I gave a quick fake smile as did Liam, my heart beating faster as I panicked that he was here for Lorena.

"What you doing here?" I asked a little too abruptly.

"His giving me a ride home" a voice behind us snapped, I turned around and no doubt about it. It was her, I squeezed my eyes shut from frustration.

"Do you have a spare helmet?" She asked him sweetly, and Liam have me a stare as I swung around to see the answer,

"No, I'm a good driver" Adam gave a smile, "you don't need one-"

"Yes you do" I snapped, "give her yours."

"Nathan, it's fine" Lorena gave me a glare, "Thanks for coming my cars broke, it'll be out tomorrow."

"You ain't getting on that without a helmet" I said approaching them, "No way."

"Nathan" she hissed as Adam looked at me quizzically, not knowing what was going on as did Liam.

"She'll be fine man" Adam said, "I wouldn't let anything happen to her."

That made my blood boil even more, the way he was speaking about her. The way she'd called him instead of asking me.

"I don't care, give her your helmet or she's coming with me" I snapped.

"You're speaking about me like I'm not even here!" Lorena said agitated, "he said I'll be fine, so why make such a big deal?"

"Yeah" Liam agreed, "let's go..."

"Let me drive you, for my own sanity" I pleaded, "I wouldn't forgive myself."

Lorena paused looking back between Adam and I. Liam gave me a look, as did Adam. I was anxious, would she pick him over me? This suddenly wasn't about safety anymore, I wanted to get one over in Adam, I wanted her to actually choose me over him.

"Fine" Lorena spoke, "Sorry Adam... I'll call you later, I promise" she reached over giving him a kiss on his cheek making me take a sharp breath out of my nose. Liam rolled his eyes at me and said goodbye as we started heading to the direction of my car.

"What was all that about?" Lorena asked as soon as Adam was out of sight, "I would have been fine on the bike."

"Thank me later" I said sarcastically.

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