45// I know

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I hadn't spoken to Lorena for three days, she'd purposely avoid me in college and wouldn't even look at me in class. It was driving me crazy, it was like I didn't even exist. I'd tried twice to actually speak to her, once at lunch yesterday and she point blank refused to acknowledge me and once today I saw her and Kaycie in the grounds, I asked them both what time was and she just stared at me while Kaycie answered.

"Ready for your party tonight?" Angelo gave me a nudge as we left the gate, I rolled my eyes. The last thing I wanted to do was have a party, he sensed my mood. "You alright?"

"Yeah" I said monotone, "I'll see you tonight no worries" I gave him my best fake smile, he returned one and we went our separate ways.

"Nathan?" I heard somebody call me, it was Paisley, I mentally groaned at her high pitched tone and her stupid pink outfit. "I heard you're having a party tonight?"

"Yeah" I shrugged, "come if you want."

"Sure" she beamed, I looked past her slightly and saw Lorena in the distance. She'd seen us already and was now aiming to walk straight past us, I was about to make an excuse to leave before Paisley spoke again, "I'll be there."

I raised an eyebrow slightly as Lorena approached us both, Paisely greeted her before turning to me to say something. I didn't, I stayed silent. She'd ignored me for three days and because I'm speaking to another girl she was suddenly gonna waltz straight over, it didn't work like that. She couldn't play like that.

"Nathan, hi" Lorena said glancing at me, "Could you give us a a second Paisley?"

Paisley nodded, stepping backwards slightly out of earshot. Lorena's face didn't change from the smile that she had on her face, she stared straight at me making me feel uncomfortable.

"How are you?" She asked, I gave her a confused look. "What?" She asked questioning my facial expression.

"I'm fine" I said, "you've been ignoring me for days now."

"I know-"

"You're only over here because Paisleys talking to me aren't you?" I asked her abruptly, it was so obvious.

"No?" She said glancing back at Paisley who was now all ears as she heard me raise my voice, "don't flatter yourself Nathan, hang around with her all you want-"

"I will" I said quickly, "so bye now."

She passed me an envelope in my hand, giving me daggers. "Happy birthday Jerk!"

My mouth fell open as I clutched the card watching her walk away, Paisley was now hanging from my shoulder asking me what that was about but I couldn't focus. I looked at the envelope, her neat handwriting that wrote my name, "Lorena wait!" I called as I rushed to catch up with her.
She did stop, but she didn't look behind her so I stepped to the front of her and gave her a sympathetic look.

"You know I'm a dick" I said, she gave me a knowing look before bursting into a smile.

"Yes I know."

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