14 // Stay

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We both laid in bed in silence, Lorena agreed I'd made it up to her and apparently it wasn't just the pizza that changed her mind. I looked over at her, her hair was spread all over the pillows, her eyelids shut lightly. She looked peaceful, I studied her breathing.

"Stop staring at me" she said playfully, I was surprised she could tell because I hadn't seen her eyes move for the last ten minutes.

"I can't help it" I said truthfully, "You're beautiful."

She scoffed at me bringing the covers over her face, "shut up!"

I laughed tugging down the covers, she planted a kiss right on my collar bone as she appeared from the sheets beneath me, it make me shiver slightly as goosebumps appeared over my arms.

"Shall I go?" I asked cocking my head to the side, I didn't want to outstay my welcome especially since the whole drama we had today.

"You want to go?" She answered my question with a question,

I shook my head and she pulled me back down beside her, her arm draping over my chest. I could get used to this, "Stay for a while" she said softly.

My eyes shut and I could hear Lorena humming beside me, her bed was more than comfortable. I was on the verge of falling to sleep before Lorena spoke.

"Who is Ava?"

My eyes snapped open and I glanced downwards to Lorena's yellow eyes that we're giving me a steady gaze, I didn't want to answer the question, I didn't want to ruin the mood right now.

"She's an ex girlfriend, it's not relevant" I said quickly, trying to sound as monotone as I could about it, I didn't want to sound annoyed or irritated by her name anymore.
"I heard-"

"Lorena" I warned, "I don't care for Ava and stop believing everything you hear."

"What?" She half sat up, "so I can't get to know you? You don't want me to believe things I hear then tell me."

I rolled my eyes and closed them again, "Ava cheated on me."

"But I heard you cheated on her?"

"I didn't" I said lowly, "she cheated on me for weeks before I found out, I wasn't always like this. A player, I didn't sleep about with random girls in my old town. Ava made me like this."

Lorena was silent, she relaxed a little in my arms and laid back down beside me.

"You aren't just a player, I know that" she mumbled, "Ava is coming back though Kaitlyn told me, she's coming here this summer."

"I know" I held the bridge of my nose, "I'm going home for summer."

"You are? Because of her?" Lorena asked in surprise,

"Yeah, I'm not a nice person to be around in her company" I said pulling her a little closer to my side, "you don't have to worry about that right now, it's another month or so until summer."

She nodded giving me a soft kiss on the lips before flashing me a smile,

"Do you like cold pizza?"

Thanks to everyone that is reading and voting. Means a lot to me, I'm now going back through the chapters to add images into the headers and make it look a little more interesting.

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