17 // Wow

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I'd been at Angelo's since the end of college, I had skipped last class to go home and get changed into my jeans and jumper. I couldn't be asked with all that good impressions shit, all I wanted to do tonight was get drunk.

"Man you need to slow down" Angelo laughed glancing at my third beer, "It's half seven."

I shrugged, "It's your birthday, you need to lighten up."

Angelo gave me a small smirk before grabbing a can, the doorbell rang and he rushed to answer it. Wow, I hated early people to parties. It was that awkward time of night where you wasn't drunk enough to socialise with strangers.
There were a few girls that came through, Angelo in tow. I sighed slightly, I couldn't crack on with anyone because of Lorena's rules meaning tonight would be even more awkward for me.

"Hey Nathan" a brunette smiled, I returned it. I didn't want to be rude, I mean she was cute but she wasn't as hot as Lorena.

"You remember me right? I'm in your morning class" she sat down beside me, I tried to think but I just couldn't place her, how many other girls had I ignored for all this time?

"Yeah I mean, course I remember" I lied giving her a small nudge as I stood up heading for the kitchen. I needed another beer, in fact I needed a few or maybe just an excuse to get away from the small talk.

I stood in the kitchen for what seemed like hours making myself food, glancing at the clock it was twenty to nine and the place was filling up. I hadn't seen Lorena yet not that I'd gone looking for her either, I took a drink and squeezed past all the people in the hallway to stairs.
How many people had Angelo invited? Jesus this place was rammed.

"Nathan!" I heard a voice call, looking over I noticed it was her, it was Lorena.
She was in tow with her annoying friend but damn she looked hot, she was wearing all black but thankfully she wasn't overdressed. I couldn't stand that, girls who went all out at parties, like it was the club.

"Lorena" I smiled as she embraced me with a hug, I was surprised that she'd shown that kind of affection in public, and I think he friend was too. She gave a glassy eye look at me, she'd obviously been drinking already.

"So where have you been?" She asked abruptly, "I've been looking for you."

"No we haven't" her friend hissed, "Lorena lets go outside."

"I've been eating" I interrupted, "how much has she had?" I hissed at her annoying friend.

"Not a lot, don't worry about her Nathan" she rolled her eyes at me linking arms with Lorena, "let's go and find Lewis."

"Lewis?" I asked, "Who's Lewis?"
Lorena stared at me, giving me a half apologetic look, but I was confused at why they were both looking back at me like I was clueless.

"It's Lorena's boyfriend," her annoying friend said smugly.

"My ex boyfriend!" Lorena argued,

"Hardly, you two are crazy about each other... You said so yourself" her annoying friend gave me a smug look in my direction.

I was taken aback, did she really have this boyfriend that she'd never told me about? I mean, she did mention Lewis that very first night but really? Had she been playing with me all along? My brain was clouded, I shouldn't have drank so much so soon.
What should I say?

"Wow" was the only thing I could spit out and she looked at me worriedly.

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