58// Tell Him

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I watched her walk away from me,  I deserved it. I was probably too late to tell her how I truly felt,  I was stupid.
I wish I could rewind and tell her long ago how much I liked her, how much I loved her. She didn't turn back, she walked back over to the club and disappeared inside.

I turned to look at the road, wondering whether I should try to walk home from here, or call a taxi.
I was probably standing there for ten minutes wondering what to do,  before I heard footsteps.

I turned around to face whoever it was,  but instead something hard hit me under the eye and another in the ribs. I stood back a little,  confused and disorientated before I could figure out who it was.

"You little prixk!" Adam snarled as he again tried to throw a punch,  this time I beat him to it and managed to pack a punch to his nose.

"The fuck?" I said aggressively pushing him away from me and into a car. I hit him again, this time hitting his jaw.

"Lorena's leaving,  did you know? My girlfriend is leaving because of you!" the word girlfriend threw me off guard and he managed to have clean connection with my lip, I instantly felt the blood rush into my mouth.

"I swear to God,  you're finished" Adam said brushing himself off,  blood trickling from his nose,  he gave me a glance as he stormed off to his car.

I rolled my eyes and pressed my lip,  blood filed my fingers. Yeah he got me good,  this would take weeks to heal.
That asshole,  calling Lorena he's girlfriend too after everything.
I walked back to the streetlight to hopefully inspect my lip in a car mirror,  but I heard my name from the distance.

Tatiana,  Angelo,  Liam and Lorena was approaching me.  I didn't want to turn around,  I knew Angelo would hit the roof,  and I'm pretty sure Lorena would too.

"We've been looking for you" Liam said,  they were now right behind me. I had to face them,  I turned around casually hoping somehow they wouldn't notice or it didn't look that bad.

I could tell by there faces it looked bad,  Angelo spoke first. "Who did that?"

I shrugged, and he glared at me. "Tell me who the fuck did that man!" his shoulders tensed, and Tatiana gave him a glance.

"Nathan?" Lorena looked at me glassy eyed, "who-"

"Your little boyfriend,  that's who!" I shouted causing her to flinch,  I felt a pang of guilt because she actually looked worried,  or scared.

"Why would Adam do that?" Tatiana asked Lorena,  making me double take on how she automatically knew I was referring to Adam.

"Oh so he is your boyfriend?" I asked Lorena,  her body stiffened. "Is that why you rejected me?"

Everybody stared at us,  waiting for Lorena to answer. I was half embarrassed but the alcohol replaced it with courage,  she gave me a look before answering me.

"He isn't my boyfriend, you know he isn't... Now let me look at you-"

"Stop with the bullshit" I hissed as she stepped closer to me,  and Angelo gave me a glare. "He wouldn't do this for nothing Lorena."

"Loren tell him" Tatiana mumbled.

"We go back a while,  it's not just as simple as you think-"

"I don't believe this" I said as Liam gave me a pat on the shoulder, "I can't even deal with you-"

"Nathan,  I've told you how I feel about you.."

"Tell him Lorena!" This time I came from Angelo which I gave him a confused glance.

"Nathan" Lorena said tears welling, "Adam won't leave me alone, he's threating me, he's blackmailing me-"

"What?!" I shouted in anger, "and you fucking knew?!" I shouted to Angelo.

Everybody stayed silent apart from me,  I was cursing... Cursing a lot.

I was going to kill that bastard.

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