12 // Lemonade

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"No sleeping with other people unless you tell me, I mean I don't want to catch anything from you sleeping with skanky girls like Paisley. No clingy behaviour or ringing me five times a day, No dates and definitely NO feelings" Lorena emphasised the no on the end 'rule'. I mean these rules suited me fine, if I was sleeping with somebody regularly I didn't need to sleep with anyone else and the no dates part was even better, means is save money in the long run.

"So this isn't a date?" I asked her pointing to my lemonade, "I mean, are you trying to woo me?" I joked.

She laughed loudly, showing me her perfect white teeth and her dimples that appeared on each cheek.

"Shut up" she rolled her eyes, "It's nothing like that and you know it."

"I'm pretty surprised you wouldn't want to date me, I mean everyone else does" I shrugged sarcastically.

Lorena rolled her eyes and gave me a playful smirk, she sipped her drink and my eyes flickered down to her lips around the-

"Why are you staring at my lips?" She said equally as playful, she was flirting I could tell by her tone of voice and man, I loved every second of it.

"Because" I started, "they're all mine."

She gave me a look that I couldn't even describe, she looked half shocked and then replaced it with a smile, she shook her head and tore her gaze away from mine.

"So shall I come round later on?" She asked,

"Alright sure, call it five" I replied but I was interrupted by some cocky asshole.

"Loren" he greeted her with a flash smile, which Lorena returned it reluctantly.

"What's up?" He glanced at me, I just sat there not saying anything I didn't want to pry and ask questions on who this person was, I mean I wasn't allowed to be clingy was I?

"You didn't call me" the guy hissed over to Lorena,

I glared over at her, not saying a word. This wasn't my business, she gave me a apologetic look before replying hastily.

"Gabriel" it was more of a whisper than a word, "I've told you stop coming here, I'll call you soon okay?"

I glanced over at Lorena she looked panicked, I didn't know wether this was my cue to jump in and defend her or just sit here casually.

"You haven't called in weeks, we've been worried-"

"Alright calm down" I snapped harshly, this guy seemed like a serious stalker of some kind. I mean what can't he take a hint that she isn't interested?

The guy and Lorena both froze and she glared at me before reaching for Gabriel's arm, he shot round and gave me a death stare. He looked older than me by a few years but he was skinner and much shorter.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Gabriel just leave it" Lorena spoke loudly this time still hanging on his arm,

"Who is this? Your boyfriend?" Gabriel spat, he seemed angry more than angry this guy seemed furious. Bad breakup? Must be something for him to react like this.

"No, his not my boyfriend" she spoke something in Spanish before repeating in English, "It's my friend from class!" She looked over at me, "Nathan this is my brother."

I froze, I wanted the ground to swallow me up whole. I looked like such a dickhead right now it was unreal, I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I looked back at Gabriel then at Lorena, they looked nothing alike, nothing at all. The hair was different, the eyes and even the skin tone was different.

Gabriel shouted something in Spanish to Lorena before storming off outside, she looked worried by something now. What the hell was going on here? A guy that didn't even look like her cousin let alone her brother coming in here asking why hasn't she called him, nah. Something fishy was going on here, she was lying to me, she had to be.

"What Nathan? Don't stare at me like that!" She moaned holding the bridge of her nose before grabbing her phone she began to text frantically.

"Who was that?" I asked,

"My brother" she said flatly not giving me a second look.

"Don't lie Lorena" I snapped, "he looks nothing like you, I've made a new rule. Stop fucking lying."

I hated liars, it stemmed back as far as Ava. She lied to me for weeks before it came out that she cheated on me, I can't stand it. I get this gut feeling that something isn't right and it just takes me back to that day she told me it was true and how it felt when she said all the lies she'd told to cover that one.

"I'm adopted you asshole" she said lowly standing up, "here's a new rule, go and fuck your self."

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