9// Friends

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I sat their silent while Paisley glanced behind her, I didn't have to. I already knew it was Lorena, Paisley just glared at her before switching her gaze into me.

"Nathan?" She prompted me to speak up, she wanted me to embarrass Lorena right here and now.
I stole a look at Lorena, she gave a steady stare at Paisley, I couldn't embarrass her like that could I? Could I just reject her on the spot and tell Paisley she's lying?

"Nathan are you coming?" Lorena spoke up this time giving me a wide eyed look.

I should just reject her like she did me and make her feel like I did the next morning.
I looked at her again, I was all ready to humiliate her in front of Paisley but something was telling me different, I couldn't be an asshole to her.

"Yeah, I'm busy" I lied causing Lorena to grin from ear to ear, she looked smug like she got what she wanted.

"Oh right" Paisley nodded sorting out her bag ready to leave, I gave her a small wave and a smile as she left the classroom.

"What's your problem?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Nathan don't act stupid with me, you were trying to make me jealous!"

"Jealous? What? How could you be jealous? We aren't even-"

"Friends yeah I know" she snapped, I wasn't even going to say that. So now we weren't even friends? Wait was we ever friends?

"Friends? We aren't friends?" I asked sensitivity waved through my voice,

"Friends don't sleep with each other Nathan, and by the way I'd prefer if we didn't chit chat in class about it!"

"What is your damn problem? I mean what you stop me from getting laid with Paisley to insult me and tell me how much you don't want to be my friend?" I said irritated by her tone and her remarks about being friends, if I was such a bad person that she couldn't possibly be my friend then why did she sleep with me in the first place?

"It's not about being friends, I don't know why that's such a big deal" she rolled her eyes infuriating me even more, I was on the verge of exploding.

"Lorena" I said holding the bridge of my nose, "What isit that you want from me exactly?"

She shrugged her eyes not meeting mine, I knew there was a reason why she was so bitchy today, well I say today... She was like this everyday.

"What?" I asked, "you don't want to be friends with me then why are you wasting your time over here?"

I turned my back to her grabbing my phone and my jacket, she was the most annoying girl I knew, so much so I was on the verge of loosing my cool.

"I'll be your friend Nathan, if you do something for me."

Thanks to everyone who is reading & voting. It actually means a lot to me. ❤️ X

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