30 // Baby

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We arrived at the restaurant, I was already regretting it. I didn't like any sea food, not even prawns.

"Sea food?" She looked at me quizzically, "how did you know it was my favourite?"

Okay, so I didn't regret it. I was thankful, thankful that I actually got something right.

I smiled as I let her lead the way inside, the waitress gave me a small smirk as she showed us to a table overlooking the beach, it was just getting dark so the sea looked beautiful.
I loved the beach, it reminded me of days with my family when I was much younger, I'd live on the beach if I could.

"You're quiet" Lorena broke the silence giving me a concerned look, "are you okay?"

"I'm giving you a good impression, it's our first date" I smiled, "unless you prefer Nathan the asshole?"

She laughed slightly, "that's the Nathan I like... Can't you tell?"

"Why else would you be coming back?" I replied looking at the menu, the food sounded awful. Oysters? I didn't even know those things really existed, I hope she didn't order those.. They were $39.

"What you getting?" She asked me promptly closing the menu and placing it on the table, her eyes staring into mine. I took a second to stare at her face before glancing back at the menu, deep in thought.

"Never a big fish fan" I admitted,

"We're at a seafood restaurant?" She said with a wide grin, "why'd you bring me here if you don't like fish?"

"To impress you" I shrugged, "I guess I'll try the sea bass, sounds okay. I'll ask them to smother it in lemon."

"Look, why don't we just go?" She said, "I really don't mind-"

"It's your favourite."


"Ready to order?" The waitress interrupted, "or shall I give you a few minutes?"

"It's fine, go ahead..." I prompted Lorena to order, glancing at the waitress, her eyes focused on me. She wasn't anything special, but I hadn't been fussy in the past but looking at Lorena, it was no competition.

"I'll have paella" Lorena spoke, the waitress taking note.

"I'll have sea bass, covered in lemon" I said, "literally loads of lemon."

The waitress gave a small laugh, she was over emphasising the smile and showed all her teeth, I glanced at Lorena who noticed. She crossed her arms moodily, giving the waitress daggers.

"And to drink?" The waitress gave me another flirty smile,

"Yeah baby" Lorena said, "what shall we get to drink?"

Baby? I wanted to laugh. That's the first time is ever heard something nice come out of those lips, even during sêx she would curse me.
Lorena's arm came round and grabbed my hands, linking our fingers. She obviously wanted to make it apparent that we were on a date.

"You want wine... Baby?" I said making a point of the nickname, she gave me a stare before nodding her head.

"My girlfriend would love your best White House wine" I said monotone towards the waitress who quite clearly got the message, she gave a small grunt as she picked up the menus and walked swiftly to the bar.

Lorena's hand was still wrapped around mine, and I made a point of asking her about it.
"So we're at the level of nicknames? That was cute" I teased, "baby?"

She laughed giving me a shove, "don't act like you didn't love it Nathan."

"Oh I did" I admitted, "but don't act like you weren't jealous."

"Maybe I was" she shrugged.

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