41// yo-yo

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"Yeah Angelo?" I said as he answered the phone, "I'm having a party at mine on Friday."

"Yeah?" He said hopeful, "why?"

"It's my birthday, plus... I need to get wasted" I said truthfully, "I've had to much shit going on recently, I need it."

"I'm in... Shall I invite the usual?" He asked,

"Yeah man, the more the merrier" I said putting my keys in the door, "except Lorena, obviously."

"Obviously" Angelo agreed.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I said allowing him to say bye before I hung up. I always used to have parties here before I met Lorena. I was the life and soul of anything social, I had girls coming from all over to spend time with me and that's what I wanted again.

I checked my phone for any messages, I had two. One from my mother asking what I wanted for my birthday and one from Lorena, asking me to call her.
Instead of calling her I deleted her number, I needed to shake whatever this was off and having her popping up left, right and centre wasn't helping.

No sooner had I deleted it, she was calling me, I knew it was her from the last three digits, sad I know. I seriously doubted answering but part of me was worried that she might need me for something important.

"Nathan?" She said in urgency, her tone panicked me and I grabbed my car keys, heading back towards the door, "are you there?"

"Yeah" I said remembering to speak, "what's up? Why are you calling?"

"I've lost my keys" she said, "did I leave them in your car?"

"Umm, I guess I'll check one minute" I rushed out the the car, shining my phone on the floor of the car as a light.
"Nah, they're not here... Are you locked out?"

"Shīt" she said in annoyance, "yeah locked out, ummm- I'm going to ring Gabriel."

"No" I said, "I mean, I can pick you up?" I said mentally slapping myself for even offering, but I really couldn't help it. I hated that I liked her, I'd do anything to make sure she was alright even when I was angry.

"It's fine, I'll call Gabriel" she insisted,

"Lorena I'm coming" I said adamantly, "I don't like the thought of you standing outside this late, especially near the lake."

"I'm fine, honest" she assured me but I wasn't believing it for a second, I turned on my engine and put her on loud speaker. "Did you reach home?"

"Just about" I said, "literally just a second ago-"

"Sorry" she mumbled, "I should have checked."

"It's fine, I'll be there in five?"

"Thanks" she said politely, "If you don't mind dropping me at Kaycie's?"

"Er- yeah" I said, "I'll speak to you soon?"

She said her goodbyes before hanging up and I shook my head.

I was beginning to think I was a yo-yo, the way she had me backwards and forwards for the last couple weeks.

I didn't even know what to feel anymore.

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