25 // Insane

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"I am not jealous! It'd just be weird if you and my cousin... Yano" she crossed her arms, she was getting irritated I could definitely sense it.

"Whatever you say" I shrugged, her eyes narrowed at me moodily.

"You keep trying to make me jealous Nathan" she pouted, "What was all that about with Paisley earlier?"

I laughed a little, she gathered that then... I was half hoping she believed me and Paisley were an item.
"She's cool-"

"Shut up" she snapped, "I know it was for a reaction... It was so damn obvious!"

"I didn't even know you were standing there!" I replied, why did she always think she was so damn special, "don't flatter yourself Lorena."

"Flatter myself?" She was shocked at my words, "you just threw me away like you do with all your other conquests, you didn't even let me explain what happened this morning!"

"Jheez Lorena, you wanted to be my friend not my girlfriend so why are you acting like you didn't know what the deal was! You created the rules for fuck sake! You told me not to catch any feelings!"

"Feelings?" She started to laugh in my face, "How is it possible for anyone to have any kind of feelings for you, when you make it so damn hard for anyone to even tolerate you for more than one night?!"

I stood there for a second taking in what she'd just said, girls could tolerate me I knew they could. I mean, why did they all keep coming back for more?
She looked pleased with herself, almost like she enjoyed making me feel like shit, I shrugged at her as a response.

"Trouble is Nathan, you think all the girls love you" she said smugly, "when in fact most of them can't stand you!"

"Oh really? So why are you standing in my hallway?" I replied, "Why do you keep coming back to me?"

Her eyes flickered with annoyance and anger and she gave me the biggest screw face you could ever imagine.

"You annoy the hell out of me" she shrugged, "I feel sorry for you."

"Oh please" I rolled my eyes, "biggest load of bullshit I ever heard, just admit it Lorena you can't resist me, like really? Why are you here now?"

"I was upset" she replied bluntly, "who's flattering themselves now?"

"It's true, you want me.. Admit it."

"Oh shut up Nathan, stop being so big headed all the time!"

"Deny the fact you don't want me and I'll never speak to you again" I said seriously, "I swear, you won't even see me look at me anymore."

She shook her head, "You're being stupid, I didn't come here for this-"

"Deny it" I asked again, "Deny me Lorena." I pulled her arm to come closer to me, she didn't resist and bumped hard into my chest.

"Nathan I-"

I gave her the biggest kiss of my life, and as soon as her lips touched mine, she gave in and kissed me back with just as much force and passion.

"You're driving me insane Nathan."

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