11 // benefits

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I didn't know what to say, I just stood staring at her trying to process what she'd just said.

"I'm not looking for a relationship, that's why this" she pointed between the both of us, "is perfect."

"You want to be friends with benefits?" I half laughed, "is this some kind of joke?"

"Nathan" she said sternly, "I'm not kidding."

"Why?" I asked, I could feel myself glaring at her waiting for her to burst out laughing or the punked crew to pop out

"Because you're the only guy I know what won't want anything more from me" she said, "like a relationship, you aren't clingy and that's all I want right now."

I stood there for a second not knowing if yes was the right answer, something in my mind was telling me not to do it regardless of how hot she was. She stood their tapping her foot on the floor impatiently and giving me a questioning look.

"Yeah" I finally spat out, looks like my pants were doing the talking.

She smiled a shy smile, the atmosphere turned awkward. I mean how did we start this? Would we just meet once a week and get it on?

"When does this start then?" I asked raising an eyebrow,

"Tonight? Do you have plans?" She asked, "I mean you'll have to let me know?"

She handed me her number scribbled on a piece of paper, it had her name with an 'x' which was a kiss right? Or was I reading too much into it, I shook my head and put the paper in my pocket.

"I haven't got plans tonight" I replied, "But how does this work exactly? Am I your booty call?"

I couldn't quite believe this was happening, I was getting offered sex on a plate by the hottest girl in college, I'm pretty sure there would be a catch sooner or later, she could use me all she wanted this deal was a win-win for me.

"We will go over some ground rules later" she smirked, what?

"Rules?" I asked, "what do you mean rules?"

"Rules, you know? I don't want anyone finding out about this agreement do you?" She asked, "we need to be on the same page, I don't want people thinking I'm easy, Im only choosing you because you aren't gonna make a big deal out of it."

"And because I'm really good looking" I joked,
"You're alright" she laughed slightly, "but you understand me right? I feel like you do, I think we're pretty similar."

"You don't know me yet" I said quizzically,
"I know more than you think" she nodded, I grit my teeth just thinking about her annoying friend and her stories about Ava.

"So you find me sexually attractive?" I asked cockily, "I mean you chose me over any other boy, so that counts for something."

"Nathan" she rolled her eyes, "it's not about that."

"No but to me it does, I need to know-"

"Yes" she blurted, "Yeah I do."

I smiled widely, she did also and then she covered her face and blushed harshly, it was cute.

"You wanna grab a drink? I mean we could get the rules sorted?" She asked after a slight pause,

"I don't like the sound of rules, what kinda shit will this include?" I asked rolling my eyes, I didn't want a long list of do's and don'ts especially when this was her idea, she wasn't gonna tell me what to do.

"I'll tell you when we get there."

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