24// Jealous

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It was Lorena and this time she was actually crying, her makeup was smudged and she was soaking wet... It must have been raining.

"What happened?" I asked quickly, "why are you crying?"

Surely she couldn't be this upset about our fight, I mean we barely knew each other. She seemed so careless earlier when she left the canteen, so why was she such a state now?

She sniffed a little, "it's Adam." I didn't say anything which prompted her to continue, "he's blackmailing me, his told my brother were sleeping together."

"What?" I asked confused as hell, "how does he know?"

"He saw us that night, he called me and I tried to tell him it was a mistake, that it was a one off but he didn't believe me, he called Gabriel and told him everything." As she finished she burst into tears, "Gabriel is so angry at me, he won't speak to me. He said he'll tell his mum and" she choked on her tears, "what if they leave me?"

I pulled her into my chest, she was cold and stiff. I felt a pang of guilt, this was my fault. I shouldn't have carried this on for so long, I should have just left her alone that night, and every other night we spent together, but surely her brother wouldn't really tell his mum and dad?

"Nathan, what am I going to do?" She said pulling back and wiping her eyes quickly, "I've told Gabriel that you're my boyfriend, and we've been hanging out at each others houses, I mean I had to say something."

I nodded, "and his still mad?"

She nodded, "He isn't returning my calls, I spoke to him this morning and he told me he was going to tell his parents and let them deal with me."

"His probably angry, I mean you're his little sister" I shrugged, "he ain't gonna appreciate some punk telling him someone's banging his sister is he?"

She smiled a little, giving me a knowing look, "Shut up this is serious, I'm scared."

"I'm sorry, it's half my fault... Actually it's mostly my fault. I should have just left you alone."

She shook her head but before she spoke the doorbell rang again, shit.
Lorena gave me a questioning look, what was I going to do now?
I'd have to ask her to go, tell her I'm sorry but you aren't my problem anymore. I just needed to they'll Angelo i'd be another five minutes.

Opening the door slightly, not giving him a peek of who was inside he gave me a small smile.
"Paisley?" She half laughed pointing at my door, "is that who your hiding?"

I gave him a confused stare before agreeing with him, he thought Paisley was in here which wasn't a bad thing, if he knew it was Lorena he'd be giving me grief about it.

"I knew you were busy!" He said, "shall I leave you to it? I mean, I was picking up Liam anyway" he asked, "or are you almost finished?"

He gave me a grin, what should I say? I hated the fact I was so drawn to Lorena, and she was beginning to drive me insane but at the same time I couldn't resist spending time with her at every opportunity.

"Sorry man, you know how it is sometimes right?" I said giving him a smirk, he high fived me and turned away.

"Text me later if you can make it" he called down the hall.


I closed the door, bumping into Lorena as I did. Her proximity made me jump, I didn't expect her to be so close behind me.

"You were going somewhere?" She asked, "Shall I go?"

"No, no it's no problem, it's all sorted. I er- I was going to Tatiana's."

"Oh, yeah I heard about the get together" she said, "I think she likes you."

I scoffed at her, "yeah right."

"It's true, she told me" Lorena gave me a smile, "she says your hard to tame."

"Is that so?" I raised my eyebrows, "I don't need to be tamed, I'm not an animal, Tatiana is more of a animal than me, have you seen her nails? There so long like claws or something, why do girls do that?"

"Do you like her?" She cut me off and questioned me in a serious tone, "Do you like Ana?"

I shrugged, but she pressed  me for an answer. "Do you like her?"

"I don't really know her" I shrugged, "I've hung out a few times..."

"Have you kissed her?" She asked wide eyed, "oh my god!"

"Look chill, I haven't kissed her alright?  Why does it matter anyway? I hardly know her, you can't be jealous-"

"I'm not jealous" she said adamantly,

"Sure" I said, she was lying... I could tell, she didn't look my in the eye.

Things were about to get interesting.

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