43// Control yourself

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Thanks to everyone who is voting, means a lot to me. xx


Our clothes were all over the floor as she laid between my legs, her back flush to my chest. I smiled in her hair, I was glad I'd agreed to this.

"Have you been with anyone else?" She asked glancing over her shoulder, "on the weekend?"

"No" I said quickly, "I don't move that fast you know" I gave her a small dig on her shoulders and she burst out laughing, turning around to kiss me on my cheek.

"Good, I wouldn't wanna you know" she joked, "compete."

"Ha!" I laughed, "no competition."

She blushed a little, "you're so sweet to me Nathan" her face looking half serious, "I envy anyone who gets to be with you."

It made my heart pull when she said those words, I couldn't imagine being like this with anyone else, I very much doubt I would be. I gave her a sad smile, "likewise" I said.

She started to gather her clothes from the floor, throwing on her jeans first. I was surprised she'd want out so quickly, we usually hung out afterwards. I was disappointed, but she still had nowhere to go. I glanced at the clock, it was gone eleven.

"Why don't you just stay?" I asked, "it's late and Kaycie is probably asleep by now."

"Umm-" she looked at the clock before looking deflated, "you're right, I don't want it to be awkward... I'll take the sofa if you don't mind?"

"I will" I argued standing up and throwing on my shorts, her eyes raked my body before she tore them away. "Here sleep in this" I passed her my khaki jumper, she nodded giving me a smile and squeezing past to the bathroom.

I collected a pillow and pulled out a blanket before throwing them onto my sofa, I'd suggest just sleeping in the same bed but I didn't want it to be awkward in the morning especially before class.

She returned in less than five minutes and raised her eyebrow at me on the sofa, "are you sure?"

"Positive" I nodded, "night" she approached me giving me a light kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you Nathan" she whispered before walking back to the bedroom.

I rolled my eyes at the predicament I was in, only I would manage to get the girl of my dreams in my bed... While I slept on the sofa. I turned onto my side to get more comfortable but it wasn't much better. I thought about Lorena laying in my bed and it instantly woke up my downstairs. I rolled my eyes again, now I was even more uncomfortable. Around half hour had past and I decided I'd had enough. I got up, walking to the kitchen window opening it ajar.


I jumped out of my skin, literally. I almost fell backwards as I turned around to face her. Her eyes widened at my reaction before she stifled a giggle.

"Sorry" she said sweetly, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just need some air" I said quickly returning back to my usual position, "you?"

"I just feel really bad about you out here, shall we just share the bed? You can't tell me sleeping on that is comfy?"

I closed my eyes for a second wondering how I could reject her, trying to find some kind of inner strength to say no.

"We're adults" she continued, "it's only for one night, I'm sure you can control yourself."

I wasn't sure I could. I was hardly about to tell her that though, I'd look like a right creep. I glanced at her in my jumper , barely covering the top of her thigh. Would I make it to the morning?

"Yeah, sure I can" I said as I followed her to the bedroom.

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