26 // Call me your hero

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That escalated quickly, I thought as I glanced over at Lorena asleep in my bed. The covers up to her neck, but knowing she had nothing on underneath all of that was driving me crazy as I sat there wide awake.
I went over to the window opening it for air, staring outside at the rain. It hadn't stopped all night, glancing at the clock is was almost midnight.. It probably wouldn't stop before morning now.

"Nathan?" Lorena called making me jump, I swung round quickly and she saw my surprised expression and giggled. "Sorry, I should make a move now... It's late right?"

"It's midnight, I'm not letting you go anywhere at midnight, in the middle of a storm" I said, "stay here tonight... It's training day tomorrow anyway, it's not like we have class."

"I'll be fine, Gabriel might be looking for me" she said pulling the covers around her waist and standing up to find her clothes.

"And he'll thank me for keeping you safe, I'm not letting you leave this late at night,"

"Careful Nathan, you sound like you might care about me" she said mocking me, I walked over to the foot of the bed where she was standing.

"Just call me your hero" I said pulling her back down onto the bed, she flung her arms around me and planted a kiss directly onto my lips, her open affection surprised me. She wasn't usually like this, we usually done the deed and got fully clothed and hung out. We never randomly kissed, or hugged like she just did.

"Are you glad you didn't go to Tatiana's?" She asked tearing my mind from my thoughts,

"Er- yeah" I said, "I wasn't in the mood for it anyway, I was mad at you from this morning."

"It wasn't like that, I had to say it was nothing... Gabriel was already on my back" she said quickly her hand tracing my jaw, "don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad" I said truthfully, looking down at her light brown eyes. How could I ever be mad at her for more than a day? "I'm a dick sometimes, you know that more than anyone."

"Sometimes" she agreed, I nudged her and she laughed,

"So this is really nothing huh?" I asked reverting back to my serious tone, "me and you?"

She sat up slightly, resting her arm on her head. "I don't know anymore," she said quietly, "I don't know why I just can't leave you alone."

I sat there just staring at her, she seemed so vulnerable tonight as if she'd tell me anything I'd ever ask, it was strange. She didn't say anything else, she just looked back at me waiting for me to say something.

Should I be truthful and tell her I couldn't leave her alone either? That I thought about her for most of the day? That I literally would change all my plans just to hang out with her?

That I liked her? Did I like her? Or was she just so infuriating that it was impossible to get her annoying attitude off my brain?

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