20// Shut up

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We spent most of the whole day together, deciding to skip class completely today.
"I don't want to go home, I can't be bothered" she wined, "I hate living so far from class."

I laughed a little, "it's like a ten minute walk!"
She pouted at me, rolling over on my bed so she was now face down, her hair sprawled over my white sheets.
"You can stay" I blurted out, I wanted to hit my forehead. I needed to play it cool, why did I always look like an idiot around her?

"Aww Nathan" she mocked, "Nathan wants me to stay eh?"

I laughed at her tone of voice, she gave me a sly smile and shrugged her shoulders. "I have nothing to wear for college tomorrow if I stay, even if I wanted to."

"Don't act like you don't want to" I said sarcastically, "borrow a jumper" I motioned to the pile of clothes on my desk.

She leant in her arms facing me, "you make it so hard to dislike you Nathan."

"Why would you dislike me?" My heart dropped a little, had I done something to piss her off?

"You know" she shrugged, "everyone says all these horror stories about you, how much of a player you are, how arrogant you can be, everyone says it."

"Well nobody knows me" I said, she nodded agreeing with me. I can't pretend that shit didn't annoy me, I had this stereotype hanging over my head like a fucking LED warning sign.
I tensed my jaw, this was probably down to Ava and her annoying friend telling Lorena a whole lot of lies.

Maybe it was time to tell her the whole story, then she could make her own decision.

"Lorena" I started, "you know you asked me about Ava that night?" Her eyes widened slightly but she nodded nether the less, I gave her a small smile. "Well, she's a bitch" I said harshly, "She cheated on me and lied for months." I hated even thinking about it, the thought of her face when she told me everything was true was an expression I will never ever forget.
"I have no reason to lie, I'd tell you if it was me that cheated but it really was her Lorena" I said, "even if your annoying friend tells you it was me, you'll see when Ava gets here, the way she acts around me.. Why do you think she's coming back? To get at me. That's why I'm going back home for summer, I can't deal with her shit."

"I want you to stay" she said nervously, "don't go just because of her."

"Awww Lorena" I mocked her from earlier, she punched my arm giving me a dead shoulder.

"Shut up" she rolled her eyes.

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