57// Unreal

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I chased her out into the car park, she was walking fast meaning I had to run to catch up with her.
She stopped as she reached the road and I see her exhale, her breath shaky.

"Lorena?" I said making her jump, she gave me a stern glance. "It's not what it looks like..."

"You had your tongue down her fücking throat" she said angrily,

"She kissed me" I said holding onto her arm, she flinched at my touch. "I swear, she kissed me. I don't know what I was thinking-"

"Thinking about yourself as you always do, I can't believe you would do this" she said eyes welling up, "I knew you was mad at me but this, this is really something else!"

"I didn't know you'd be here!" I snapped,

"Its lucky that I was! I finally saw what everyone was talking about, you're nothing but a player" her tone was sour as she spoke, she didn't even look me in the eye.

"I played you?" I half laughed, "we're in this mess because of you and your stupid friends!"

"I told you I love you, that's still not enough for you Nathan" Lorena shook her head in disappointment, "I'm moving away from you because it's so apparent that you aren't capable of being with one girl, you aren't capable of loving anyone!"

I held the bridge of my nose, okay so I deserved all the slander that she could think of but she was coming close to hitting a nerve and I couldn't bare it. I didn't want her to hate me, coming here was such a mistake but it was too late.

"Nothing to say?" she asked bodly,

"Lorena, I'm sorry" I said quietly, "and I agree, I'm not capable... I mess everything up, I can't handle the fact you're leaving."

"So you deal with it by sleeping with someone else? Really?-"

"I know, I really don't deserve you" I said monotone, "this is the kind of person I am."

She didn't say anything else, she just stared at me. It gave me chance to look at her properly, she was wearing a low cut dress, which was short. In fact, so short I could guarantee she wouldn't be able to bend over without flashing something.

"Why are you dressed like that? You were out trying to do the same as me weren't you?" I said without thinking, she gave me a glarr before pulling her dress back down.

"I'm not dressed like anything" she rolled her eyes, "I actually knew you'd be here... Angelo told Ana."

"I bet he did" I sighed, "I'm just gonna go, you know... Keep out of your way, in fact I'm not going to come back to class for the rest of term" I added.

"Don't be so stupid" Lorena said harshly, "why?"

"It's best, I need to keep out of your way-"

"So first you cheat on me and now your telling me you don't want to see me before I go?"

"How can I cheat on you? This was a game to you, this is what all of this is over Loren!" my voice raised and shaken, I knew I had way to much to drink, my voice was becoming so full of emotion and sounding desperate.

"So you aren't going to come to class anymore just to avoid me?!" Lorena was angry too, she looked at me in despair as if she couldn't grasp what I was saying.

"Yeah" I shrugged, "something like that-"

"Fuck you!" she shouted, "That's all I mean to you? You can sleep with someone and forget all about me? You can never set eyes on me again and you're fine with it?!"

"Fine?" I shouted, "Lorena this hurts me more than anything I've ever known! I begged you not to leave! You rejected me, I can't do anything to convince you to stay, I can't deal with this anymore" I could feel a lump in my throat, my voice cracked at the end. Lorena noticed and gave me a wide eyed expression before attempting to step closer, but I refused to be pitied by her right now, it was embarrassing as hell.

"I can't do this, honestly" I shook my head, "I love you so much it's unreal." I allowed my lips to say without consent, she stared at me. She didn't say a word, she just gave me a look that I couldn't recognise.

"You're drunk" she said finally, "bye Nathan."

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