4 July, 2016.

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Today was day 3 of our workshop.

Remember when I explained my horrible presentation experience a few days ago? Well, today's workshop was just about that; 'Effective Presentation Skills'.

First of all, while going to college I had to wait for 20 minutes at the station for the train to arrive. Thankfully, I had left early and our teacher/professor was late because of traffic.

I recognized that this teacher used to teach in my old college. She was one of the most 'sophisticated' teachers in that college and everyone wanted to be on her good side. I never had her as a teacher in my old college nor had I had a conversation with her (except for one viva). So I was a bit intimidated by her presence. Sitting on the first bench sure didn't make things any easier.

But the workshop was nice! First she had this self evaluation activity where we got to know more about ourselves and how we were very different from others. The whole idea of the activity was to show how different people's perspectives are.

Later she went through a presentation talking about speech anxiety and stage fright. She went through the symptoms (I had almost all of them), difference between these two terms and gave us a few tips on how we could improve on our anxiety and fear.

Then we played this game which I felt was very irrelevant and frankly, useless.

Then she made a few of us talk on some topics and taught us how to create a mind map to help us think clearly.

I will still get hyper when I'm asked to talk to a group of people but I'll at least try to apply some of these tips. I'm still at a learning curve.

While leaving college, I overheard a few of the students talking about how boring all these workshops were. What's surprising is that these students were the ones who work closely with the management and are the possible council candidates. I was very amused at the fact that the people who are supposed to represent the college are the very people who bitch about it. How ironic.

I tried to watch a few movies on YouTube in the evening but my WiFi wouldn't let me. So instead I finally updated my laptop to Windows 10. Boy, I had been ignoring and procrastinating for a really long time. Well, I don't know what to feel about Windows 10. There's not much of a difference. And I was just starting to like the Windows 8 'Start' situation so I don't know if I like that it's come back to what it originally looked like.

But I gotta work with what I have.

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