29 May, 2017.

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Today I discovered a new YouTuber who has once again throw me off schedule.

I woke up around 9 today and I've spent majority of my day watching this YouTuber called 'Mr. Kate'.

Mr. Kate is an interior designer and I absolutely love her work! I have been loving watching interior for over 5 years now (after I saw my room getting renovated). I think I like her channel more than Mary Elizabeth, who is also an interior designer/ YouTuber.

So I binge watched her series called 'OMG We're Coming Over' (yeah, not a very adult name) where she, along with her husband (?) redo spaces of various Youtubers. I'm not a big fan of her personality but I lover her videos.

I love how all her videos are properly sectioned. In the beginning, they show us what are the preferences of the Youtubers whose house they're redoing. After that, they paint the walls with the help of the said YouTuber. Then there is a DIY project including the YouTuber after which they shove them out of the room. I have loved almost every space they've decorated. It's asthetically very pleasing, especially when they turn empty spaces into a functional one.

After I was done watching that series, I started watching their 'OMG, We Bought A House' series, which is more personal and hella big. Infact they have three separate seasons for the entire thing. Honestly, I liked what they did to other people's houses more than what they've done to theirs but it's alright. That's probably just not my style.

Then again, I don't know what is.

Apart from watching Mr. Kate video and bunch of others, I unpacked my bag, which I'm very proud of. I normally procastinate for a week before I finally unpack my bag. And that's only when I realise something's missing from my wardrobe. While unpacking, I realised that I left my body mist in our second house. Well shit.

Oh I also kind of fixed my driving lessons date, 6th June, 2017.

I even confirmed my plans with Sia, Sasha and the rest, as well as fixed a plan with my school friends.

At night, I had a feeling that I wanted to do something for Marissa, since I am going to meet her in a few days. I don't have enough money for a gift so I have decided to make a card for her. Because I lack artistic skills and am on time a time crunch, here's how my card will look like:

 Because I lack artistic skills and am on time a time crunch, here's how my card will look like:

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Instead of that awkward stick figure, there will be this cake art:

Instead of that awkward stick figure, there will be this cake art:

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Too much work I know. Mia has volunteered to help me tho! Thank goodness, she has great artistic abilities and exactly the person I need. So she's going to come over tomorrow and yeah, it's going to be fun.

I feel like tomorrow's going to be a really good day.

Hope I haven't jinxed it.

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