16 May, 2017.

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My plan wasn't cancelled!

It was changed a little bit tho. Nova cancelled at the last moment and I invited Alex instead. Mia, Alex and I used to go to the same classes so yeah, she's comfortable with him around. I called up Mikayla to ask her if she was free but she wasn't.

I again got up at 10 today, inspite of the 8:30 alarm that I easily dismissed. Caught up on social media and watched more if Lilly's vlogs on YouTube. Alex and I left home at about 1, picked up Mia and went to the popular cafe that I had been to during my birthday surprise/ treat on 23rd December, 2016.

This time around, unlike the last time I was there, we found an empty table. Alex ordered some chicken with hummus and pita while Mia and I went for Nachos and Pasta. The food was delicious! And so fucking filling! We underestimated the portion size but it's pretty good.

One regret I'll have tho is that while Alex and Mia opted for soda, I went for a milkshake. I am not normally a milkshake person. Infact I've never ordered a milkshake outside, and the only milkshake I drink is home-made Banana milkshake. But today, I just saw the word KitKat and melted. Bad choice. I couldn't finish it. Will never make that mistake again.

But it was a fun dinner. Both of them bring out the fun side of me and that's good. I also learnt that I have to get better at splitting money and not end up paying most of the bill.

While having lunch, we started talking about movies and eventually decided to watch the newly released 'Gaurdians Of The Galaxy 2', 8:15 show.

We came home by 3:30, I listened to some music and then started watching Gaurdians Of The Galaxy (1st Part) because I hadn't seen that and didn't want to look stupid while watching the second one.

I didn't know it was a Marvel movie! I love Marvel Movies! I guess I'm going to try and watch all Marvel Movies there are. Expect maybe X Men. Their timeline jumps are way too confusing.

Anyways, I didn't end up watching the entire movie cause the (annoying) waxing lady showed up and took 30 mins of my time.

But that's okay, I kinda remembered the last scene when it had come on TV a few months back. And according to Alex and Mia, the motive of me watching the first movie was just to get acquainted with the characters.

So we again left for the movie at around 7, picked up Mia and after reaching and buying tickets, roamed in Crossword before the movie began.

The movie was so good! I really liked it. I like almost all Marvel movies so it wasn't a surprise. But one thing that irritates me about Marvel movies is the number of end credit scenes. I understand the thrill if they show us one scene after all the credits is done but multiple scenes between the credits just gets annoying. Oh and the part where they cut a few adult dialogues and scenes, not cool. It's 2017 for fuck's sake!

The movie got over close to 11 PM and after the movie, we struggled to find a ride back home. We had to walk all the way to the main round about to even see empty rides. But the ride that we got, good lord, the driver was crazy! He was rash driving the fuck out of the ride and I, wierdly, absolutely enjoyed it! Mia and I were laughing our butts out while the worrysome Alex tried to get the driver to slow down. I get it Alex, it was dangerous, but sometimes you just gotta let go and have fun!

We reached home and had our dinner. While having dinner, Pamela called me up to confirm about tomorrow's plan. Well that's one more good news for the already good day.

I'm excited for tomorrow. I'm going to spend the entire day with Pamela, exploring the city we live in and then having a sleepover at her place.

But for that I need to sleep now so that I get up on time.

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