29 June, 2017.

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Today is Spencer's first birthday!

I was so excited to see him and also to eat the much discussed cake.

We all got ready and went to the venue. The venue was a decorated with everything Disney. Stella and her husband left no stone unturned to make their son's first birthday a grand affair.

We met Aunt P, Scarlett and Stella. Stella looked beautiful! She had worn a gorgeous black ball gown and her make-up made her look unrecognisable.

Even Spencer couldn't recognise his own mother. Lol! I'm not even kidding!

We all cousins stuck together for the entire celebration. Spencer slept while cutting the cake, it was so hilarious.

Even though there were some not so good moments because of Aunt P's husband's behaviour and clear bias, the event was a success. Oh, we didn't get to eat the main cake tho. The caterers messed up.

It is currently 11 PM and we're still on our way back to town. We went to the countryside only because it was closer to the venue.

There is still a long way to go and like all my long car journey's I'm about to sleep.

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