5 July, 2016.

16 0 2

Workshop Day 4.

Today we had an 'Interview' workshop. Everyone already knew the Sir as he is a part of the college Management team. So we learnt about the different types of interviews. We had two groups discussions and two personal interviews.

We also learnt how to make a CV/Resume. We learnt about the CV format and what we must include under what headings.

This is what basically happened. Most of the session went in the Sir trying to wake people up by trying to make a fool of them, which I didn't find that hilarious. Even the interviews weren't serious enough so I didn't actually get much learning out of it.

Today I got to know that all the students have been shuffled and when our workshops are done, we'll have our new divisions. A good point about this is that I haven't exactly met people who I could actually connect to. I'll hopefully find those in my new division. Of course the bad point is that there will be more snobs to encounter.

Our Program Director informed us about the detention rule. If we get late for any of our lectures, we'll be made to wait in the library for two hours after college gets over. I don't think it's that bad. Library is totally a good idea. You don't have to talk to anyone, you're completely in your zone without any disturbance. I don't mind having detention at least once.

Our Program Director also told us about the college council. She told us that if we want to be on the council, we have to submit an essay stating why do we want to be on the council and what experience do we have. If there are many applicants, then we'll hold elections.

Okay. I'm confused whether I should apply for a post or not. I'm going to list reasons why I should and why I shouldn't and then take a decision.

Reasons why I should apply for a post in the student council:-

1) I'm here to change myself. This will give me an opportunity to do so.

2) It may help improve my resume.

3) I'll have some experience as a council member.

4) I'll get to know about my capabilities.

5) I'll change as a person.

6) I'll be considered cool..... nah just kidding.

Reasons why I shouldn't apply for a post in the student council:-

1) I'm not confident enough.

2) I don't have experience.

3) I don't have any innovative ideas.

4) I don't have leadership skills.

5) If they hold an election, I won't be able to justify myself.

6) I'll be the butt of all criticisms.

7) I cannot talk in front of a group of people.

8) I won't have enough support if there is any election held.

9) There are so many people better than me.

As of now, things are clearly going towards the second option.

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