2 July, 2016.

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Of course, not all days can be super fun.

Today was day 2 of our 15 day workshop. Come to think of it, it's actually a 11 day workshop spanning from the 1st to the 15th of July.

Anyways, today we had a 'Management' workshop. For the first 40 minutes, we learnt the basics of management and what it exactly includes. I could have answered a few questions but I don't know why I didn't. Damn, I have to learn to follow my instincts sometimes.

After the theory part came the practical/tasks part and that's where things started to go a little south.

We were told to divide ourselves into groups of 5, preferably with people we didn't know. And so we did. There was this one girl who came to sit with the group I was in but she looked indecisive. I can swear she was waiting to see if she could join the (apparently) 'good looking' guys. At the end, she had no choice but to sit with us.

How I wish she hadn't.

So in our first task, each group was given 10 descriptions of 10 different leadership qualities. We had to decode all those descriptions to identify that quality. We weren't given any frame of reference. It was a challenging game. We all (except that girl) were cracking our heads out trying to decode those descriptions and our lady over here, whose name I don't care to remember, just gave up in 10 seconds. Her negativity was just so putting off. If we had 5 heads working on the task instead of 4, we could have been a bit more quick. We came fourth.

In our second task, each group was given a type of leadership style along with a scenario/situation. Each team had to find the solution to the their given situation and enact the entire scenario. Every member of my group was giving ideas and it is common courtesy for a group mate to listen and consider someone else's idea. But no.... our lady over here seemed disinterested as fuck. Later she came up with her own idea and expected everyone to listen to her without interruption. The hell? She was so rude. Ultimately we did our play and landed up third.

Even in our third task, she tried to overpower the others. I absolutely despise people like her. Let's not even go to the fourth task.

The content of the tasks was fun but it would have been 10 times better if that arrogant lady wasn't there in my team. Next time, I'm going to make sure me and that bitch aren't in the same team. I just do not like arrogant people.

Anyways, right now I'm watching the Germany vs Italy match. Let's see how this goes.

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