12 May, 2017.

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Let's get to know more about my college's new clubs, shall we?

I woke up at 9 because I had to get some things in order. Aka clean up my shit before Alex's friends came over. This means all the embarrassing pictures inside, study desk clean as never before and all bedsheets and covers folded. Wow, I'm such a façade.

After all of that, I had lunch and went to my college for the club orientation. Out of the 200 students in my college, only 7 turned up. Seems like everyone is very passionate to know what the school has to offer.

So my college is now planning to have 11 student led clubs for various different things.

Club 1: Futurepreneurs aka Entrepreneur's Club

A few verticles of this club will be

-> Idea Incubator (Nurture and foster your idea into actionable businesses)

-> MVP PAD (Design and create products and services ready for market validation)

-> Digital Media Zone (Learn how to leverage and supercharge your business with technology)

-> Mind Over Business (Master the entrepreneurial traits and leadership qualities to usher your business forward)

The basic vision of this club is ultimately start and sustain start ups.

Club 2: Rotaract Club

Club to foster interactions and collaborations amongst students through various events. The Club aims to address the social needs of the community as well as will be responsible for organizing social activities throughout the year. Will include Club Services, Community Services, International Services and Professional Development.

Club 3: High Flyers aka International Club

Club to promote global integration and cross cultural activities. Students will engage in interaction with international visitors, promote cultural diversity by planning and organizing exchange programs. Providing international awareness, reinforcing global education through multicultural events.

Club 4: WORD aka Writers, Orator, Readers, Debators

This club aims to mentor, inspire, provide guidance for any type of creative writing, including fiction, poetry, literary nonfiction, memoirs, personal essays, plays. This club will be for the inclusive bunch who meet to share thoughts like alternative ending, etc on a selection of books ranging from classic novels to modern best-sellers.

Club 5: #Tag aka Tech Club

Members of this club will get an opportunity to learn and share their knowledge in technology fundamentals and trends. Will help in building a vibrant group of people with interest in high-tech and new media.

Club 6: Agile aka Sports Club

Members will be able to participate in various Sports and Wellness programs like Yoga, Zumba, Football, etc. They will stand a chance to head and organize various intra-collegiate activities. The Club will place emphasis on student initiative and team management, allowing participants to shape their own experience.

Club 7: ADAPT aka All of Arts Club

Will include dance, theatre, music, literary arts and fine arts. The members of this club will take be able to take part in various intercollegiate events and fests.

Club 8: Finterest aka Finance Club

The Goal of the Finance Club is to develop interest and student inclination towards the subject and understanding of the finance environment. Club activites will include:

-> Discussion on latest trends in the field of finance.

-> Reading and expressing opinions on financial news articles.

-> Analysing Annual Reports of Companies.

-> Conducting mock stocks.

->Presentations on contemporary finance topics.

->Publishing research papers/articles.

-> Watching finance movies and debriefing them

-> Organising guest lectures in finance and other allied areas

Club 9: Organzation Club

Members will be given the opportunity to organise conclaves, global speaker series and intra collegiate events around the year. Volunteers will put a personal touch on the prospective and admitted student experiences by serving on panels at information sessions, leading tours, serving as marketing thought partners, and executing Accepted Day event. This club will also responsible for maintaining Alumni relations and collaborations with external & internal colleges.

Club 10: Enactus

Enactus is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring students to improve the world through entrepreneurial action.

So basically this club will take up (or make one) an indepth social project which will affect the lives of a lot, in good ways, ofcourse.

The ultimate aim will be to enter into the Enactus World Cup.

Having Enactus on your CV will be really useful for the future.

Club 11: Parenthesis aka Parents Club

For the first time ever, a club for the parents.

Fancy words, eh?

Now we can choose only 3 clubs out of these 10 (Parenthesis excluded). If a club has less than 20 students applied for it, the club will be tanked.

Applications for the President's post of every club is open but I don't think I will apply for any. I'm still not confident in my leadership abilities. Also, there's a lot of imagination involved and I can't.

But I do have an idea of which clubs I want to be a member of.

WORD, Enactus and Organization Club.

WORD because I'm inclined towards reading and (a bit of) writing. I find it really interesting and I know the mentor and she knows me too so I will have a little advantage. But I have a feeling this club will not be able to pull 20 students and eventually I'll have to look for another club. (Finterest is my next choice)

Enactus because look, I have to think about my career now too. If they say Enactus is good for the CV, I'll take their word for it. Also, I think I do enjoy social projects even if I haven't done m(any).

Organization Club because meeting corporates. Last year we had many corporates but I wasn't ready for them. This time I'm planning on taking full advantage of the corporates who come to our college and maybe do a little networking? Maybe not. I haven't become that social as well. But yeah, I know a lot of people are going to opt for this club but I'm going for my own development, not caring about competition.

Let's see who gets the majority students. And all of this sounds interesting now but I know by experience that, in my college, not often does expectations match reality.

We'll just have to wait and watch.

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