6 July, 2017.

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Today I was in a good mood.

Our first lecture was a jargon- heavy law lecture and it was pretty informative. We learnt about what all things should not be included in a contract and on what basis does a contract become void. I have heard that law is a very taxing subject but I'm ready for it. I mean, my mom's done law. So I want to know the basics of what she learnt.
There is just one small complaint tho. This lecture was at 8:00 AM and I can't. My sleep pattern got entirely disturbed and I had to stop myself from puking at one point.

After that we had a management lecture. Damn nice! Since the lecture was about teamwork, we were divided into teams.

Normally I despise group activities but today I was a bit enthusiastic about it. Don't know if it's a temporary change but it worked for me today.

So what we had to do was come up with one or two character traits that described our team, come up with a slogan and a dance move. In the beginning no one spoke anything but one of my friends took the initiative to begin with an introduction. And then we started thinking of qualities (came up with calm, focused). Then after much debate, we came up to with our slogan (it's all about the calm in the chaos). The part that took the most amount of time to decide was our dance move. Since we were a team of girls and boys, we had to consider both genders. Ultimately, we chose one dance which I did not like but we had no better choice. There were two boys who weren't contributing anything to the discussion but as long as they weren't shunning our ideas, I was okay with their lack of participation.

At the end of twenty minutes, the other team came, did their thing and went back. Then we came, did our thing, got laughed at, and went back.

One thing that I hate is rude people. I hate it when people put others down. There was this one guy who I thought was okayish last year. He just couldn't let go of our tagline. I don't know what the fuck was funny in it. He just wanted a reason for everyone to laugh at us and I guess the rest on his team have a poor sense of humour to comply with his sorry excuse of a joke.

One day, when I get courage, I'm going to ask him why he likes putting others down. Why he likes making jokes at the expense of others. He'll most likely ignore or insult me but I'll have atleast 1% satisfaction that I got something off my chest.

Anyways, the professor told us the steps that are involved from being put into a team and then ultimately executing the plan. This lecture made sense because we had just experienced everything first hand. And it was more impactful because she explained the concept after the activity.

After that we had a break. I bonded with one of my classmates. I need to have a more genuine and frequent connect with her to actually name her in my journal. We'll see. So this girl and I spoke about the clubs, the faculty groupism, extra curricular activities, next part of our education. I find her intelligent and logical but a bit two faced.

After break, we had an Accounts lecture which deviated a lot from the actual teaching so it was okayish. Same with Economics.

Before departing for lunch break, we were told that the professor who taught us management was very unhappy with another batch and ultimately decided not to teach our entire cohort. Wtf. She was goooood.

They also kind of pleaded everyone to attend the 2-4 PM lectures. Our Vice Dean aptly reflected my thoughts when she said she was appalled to see that the faculty had to plead people to attend lectures, when this is the age where we must gain maximum knowledge in order to face the world.

During break, I noticed that there are two new (and expensive) booths that have opened up in our main canteen.

After lunch break, we had a nice lecture on data analytics. According to my dad, this subject is going to be really useful in the future. So in this lecture, we got divided into groups. We were given a hypothetical situation that everyone on the team was moving in together. We had to buy (put in a online shopping cart) 3 items cumulatively amounting to a certain sum of money. It was difficult than what I thought.

4 out of 9 groups were successful. And that's when the planning of groups for the next activity started.

Our professor divided the winning teams into 10 groups of 3 each. Then each team had to choose 2 people from the remaining lot.

One arrogant girl refused to work with the people she was assigned to and went to another group. That's so rude of her. There is a world beyond your stupid cliques. Learnt to adapt to new people and not undermine them. What I hate is that this girl always gets her way... mostly by manipulation. Maybe I'm over reacting but I would love to see her in a difficult situation or fail big time. Maybe then she'll stop her superiority complex.

Coming back to the selection, Kristen and Darcy got chosen because even though they are made fun of, they're resourceful. Nobody chose me but I was okay with it. I haven't really made an effort to bond with anyone beyond my friend circle so the others don't know my capabilities. And even if they did and thought that I wasn't competent enough to be chosen in the first round, it's perfectly fine by me. My ego is not that huge.

We were around 20 of us left by the end of the selection round. So one of the management members sorted us out. For some reason, today I was even ready to go to those groups whom I don't necessarily have similar thoughts and lifestyle with. I was ready to take that risk but as luck would have it, I was put in Kristen and Darcy's team. Yay!

We are given a task of selecting 7 batsmen and 7 bowlers. We have to find the strike rate and average of each selected batsmen and the economy and average of each selected bowler. This seems interesting.

After college I immediately left for home since my mom had taken an appointment with my opthalmologist. Finally. I have been living with blurry specs for a couple of months now and they're a pain. I'm desperately waiting to get a new lens and get my vision back. But my number has increased significantly. I got to know that after waiting with eye drops in my eye for an hour. An hour! Somehow I'm the only one whose pupils take ages to dilate.

Even though my vision was a bit hazy, I didn't cancel my driving class. Today felt nice. I was controlling the wheel and I did better. I tried getting a hang of the break as well. And I had a good chat with my teacher.

After I came back, mom left for her sister's place. She is going to her childhood place of worship for a couple of days. Good for her.

I was supposed to research on those cricketers but I'm really really tired. Getting up at 6:00 AM is no joke.

And I'm going have to that tomorrow as well if I want my lunch packed and hair washed.

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