19 July, 2016.

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Was today better than yesterday?

In a way, yes. But there were a couple of lows as well.

Today was our college inaugural day. Many prominent people from the education industry and politics were to come as distinguished guests.

The program was going to begin at 9 and we had to reach at 8:30 and the ones given volunteering work were to report to their respective mentors.

I wasn't so excited about going to college because of yesterday and also because I had no work. I planned to go a little late. But my dad didn't want me to be late today as well so I had leave early.

And I reached half an early. In a place where people make it a point to reach at least 2 minutes late, I reached half an hour early. Maybe I should walk to the station like I'm supposed to.

Thankfully one of my classmates had come before me so I had some company. Gradually, students started arriving and we were told to keep our bags in a room and go to the other floor.

The main mini auditorium was to be occupied by parents so we were directed to the adjacent room. A camera was set up in the mini auditorium through which we could see everything happening in that room.

I was sitting with my classmate. But she then had to leave for her volunteering work so I had to sit alone for the first half an hour. A few of my other classmates called me to sit with them, which was good.

We had a series of speeches today. The first one was from our dean, one from one of the founders of our college, a few from some education industry people and one from a political personality.

I was amused at the amount of security the political personality had. Some of the security arrived half an hour early to check the entire premises. There was additional security around that person while entering and leaving. The man even had personal waiters for him.

The entire inauguration ceremony went on till 1:00 pm. After the ceremony, we all went to eat in the canteen. We stayed there for an hour after which two divisions had a lecture. Since my class didn't have any lecture, we went to the college 'Lounge Area' where we watched people play table tennis and foosball.

Have you ever heard the phrase 'Never judge a book by its cover' and that it can apply to people as well? I experienced that today. If a person who looks good has a terrible attitude, he ceases to look good in my eyes. People with an attitude in general repel me. When I was in the lift, Arrogant Jerk 1 (I refuse to give them respect enough to be even named in my journal and there are more than 1 arrogant jerks in my college) deliberately pushed me twice and acted as if it was an accident. He even mocked me when I told him stop. How dare he touch me when I barely know him? Let the entire college swoon over him, I hate that guy. I thought he was a good person. Apparently, he's not.

Anyways, after some time we went to the fashion show area where we stayed for hours and hours watching the models practise, apply make up and do their hair. Finally we got some work and immediately started working on the decor of one of the brand rooms.

The fashion show was a success even though a few people were very unprofessional in their behavior. One of the brands had a really sophisticated style, one brand was for plus size ladies, one was for kids and the brand that won had a really laid back style. The set up, the lights, the music, everything was good.

The day started on a low and ended on a high.

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