22 May, 2017.

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Today, I learnt something new in life.

A little bit of graphic designing.

Ever since I can remember, I've always loved good quotes on lovely backgrounds. Infact I try to incorporate some on my Instagram feed as well. They've already fascinated me. So when Ms.Paula asked me if I was interested in learning that, I had to say yes.

Kristen has gone out of town for a few days so she did not come to college today. It was just me. I knew the day was going to be lonely but I guess I'm already experienced in such situations.

I met up with Ms. Paula, who, seemingly, hadn't read our report until I showed up. It pissed me off a bit cause Kristen and I worked so hard to make that report, and Ms.Paula hadn't as much as glanced through it. But it's alright. She was probably loaded with other work.

She introduced me to a software which we were going to use for our blog. She made a demo design for the report, deleted it and asked to make a new one from scratch. She had given some references to follow so I wasn't really stressed about feeling lost.

I worked on it for about an hour, exploring the software, taking on all the guidance and references in front of me and frankly, was happy with the product. The report didn't look dry, nor did it look informal. I had made new formats which Ms. Paula appreciated.

After that I went for a break. I sat, all by myself, at the unofficial eating space of our college. It wasn't that bad, really.

(Cue sassy voice) When I got my phone and a good internet connection, I don't need any human to keep me company.

And as I said before, I'm no stranger to eating my meals alone. I've realised that I don't mind eating alone even in a crowd full of people.

I came back to my college/office work space where Ms. Paula had another task ready for me to watch and learn. Remember all those quotes I made a couple of days ago? Now I had to create illustrations to go with those quotes. Ms.Paula demonstrated a few of her ideas and we, along with two other teachers (who are pros at designing), came to a final conclusion.

I was given the task to reproduce that design to fit the different speakers of those quotes, which I did with ease. I'm pretty handy when it comes to replicating stuff, I tell you.

Even though it doesn't sound like much, I learnt quite a lot today. I absolutely loved what I've learnt and I'm pretty sure I'm going to make good use of this software.

I've been using my time well.

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