5 June, 2017.

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Our last day in Pune.

Today the four of us took the opportunity of getting up late. We didn't have any plans for the morning anyways. We got up, did our chores and waited for Aunt P to get our breakfast. She came later than usual but that was a given.

After that, Parker went to complete some paperwork while the rest of us were on our phones again. We packed our bags and by 2:30 PM, Aunt P, Stella and Spencer came with lunch for the last time. We had a great time. Spencer was a bit more distracted than usual today but it was still okay.

Before leaving, Scarlett came over to say good bye. She was leaving to go for a German play practice that she is a part of.

Then we left for the station and waited for our train to arrive. The ride back was fun too. This time, we had booked our seats next to each other. So Parker, Alex and I sat on one side while Pamela was on the other one beside us.

There was this really funny incident that happened which I will not be able to forget for a really long time. Neither can Parker nor can Alex. Especially not Alex.

You know the way men sit with their legs spread out? That's how Alex was sitting. At one point he could feel something on the seat between his legs and what does he see when he looks down? The lady sitting directly in front of him had propped one of her legs in the small place between his legs! Who the fuck does that?!

Alex was flustered for a second but told the woman to keep her feet to herself. The entire situation, complete with Alex's reaction, was so hilarious that I couldn't stop laughing. Just couldn't. I kept repeating that incident in my head and kept laughing. Even Alex and Parker couldn't initially control their laughter.

I'm going to bring this up everytime we all meet.

Pamela had to get off at another station because of her college situation so we bid goodbye.

An hour before reaching our desired station, Parker and Alex made a bet. Alex said that we'd reach before 7:20 PM and Parker said that we'd reach after. We reached dot at 7:20 so I don't know who won.

Then the three of us booked a ride and went back home.

So I'm back to my house now and looking back at the weekend, it was a pretty good and successful one. It was definitely different than the last time we visited Pune, for various reasons.

So finally, my Pune trip has come to an end.

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