23 May, 2017.

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Today was a surprisingly good day!

So Vanessa's in town. We haven't really been much in contact since she left town so when the thought of meeting up came up, I didn't want it to be just the two of us. It would have been have fine a couple of months ago but now I thought we'll be out of topics to talk pretty soon.

So we were planning to meet along with Paloma, Jessica and a few others. Because of our busy (vacay) schedules, no plan was made. I would not be able to meet Vanessa till December if we didn't plan anything before June so I decided to meet her alone.

Sure I had the college stuff but it wasn't an internship and I wasn't getting paid for it so I could afford to miss it.

So after mulling over various options, the two of us decided to meet at a cafe right in front of a mall.

I reached there first. Normally I wait for the other person outside cafes and restaurants but this time, I couldn't bear the heat and went in. Vanessa arrived a couple of minutes later and suddenly I felt so happy seeing her! We got along so well... again! It didn't even feel like we hadn't spoken for months. The conversation was very free flowing. We spoke our old college, our new colleges. She told me about how she got into someone's bad books, I talked about my current work.

The songs playing in the background was a boon! Even though we didn't run out of topics, we found ourselves crooning to the music while we waited for our food aka pizza to arrive. The pizza was really good! We spoke and laughed some more. I also promised to send her all her delicious food pictures that she had sent me throughout our old college days.

I hope I haven't deleted them tho. It would be super awkward if I did.

After lunch, we decided to (window) shop at the mall. We tried on clothes from stores we couldn't afford to buy from to finally landing up in the affordable ones. Both of us liked the same piece of crop top but in different colours. Don't even ask how much time we spent in the changing rooms cause it was a lot! I mean, if you're gonna buy something out of your own pocket, you gotta be completely sure about the said product.

We ended up buying it. I'm in a space right now where I want to buy things that I need, but this top was too inexpensive to pass up. After our purchase we roamed around the mall a little more, had our ice creams and window shopped a little more. Basically, we had more fun.

Such a good day! Such an unexpectedly good day! This is one example of 'Don't Overthink'. Things sure look complicated in your head but they might totally be alright in real life.

But I'm never going to fully learnt that, am I?

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