5 May, 2017.

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Today's emotional journey shifted from nervousness to relief to excitement to anger to satisfaction.

My finals were going on since the past week and today was my last paper! Honestly, of all the papers, I had prepared the most for today's paper so it had to go well. This was a pressure that I had put on myself.

So I got up at 7 as I normally do and started studying rigorously till 12. Ate food, got ready and left for my center.

I reached my center by 2:10 and stood outside the gate and revised. There is a place for me to sit inside the college compound but I won't sit there because the guy who normally sits there gives me complex. He apparently is prepared for everything and makes me feel so under-prepared. I sat beside him three papers ago and I went blank before the paper because of that guy so I had decided that I will not revise anything near him henceforth.

My exam began and I was so relieved that I knew the answer to every question asked on the paper. I just wish I get good marks now. But that's a worry I can put off till June. For now, I'm Freeeeee!


This vacation, I have decided to primarily focus more on going out. And it was going to start from today. One thing about me is that I absolutely HAVE to go out somewhere on the last day of my exams. A tradition that I follow ever since 8th Grade. I had made this clear to my college friends as well. So since our exams got over at 6:00 pm, I had suggested to go for a dinner. Everyone had agreed. Even if the place wasn't decided, the idea of a dinner was fixed.

So I was quite excited. I have never been for any dinner plans before but my parents understood me and allowed it this time. Since all of my friends' centers were spread all across the city, we had tried to choose a mid point to all of us. And even though that midpoint turned out to be the farthest for me, I was still ready to come.

But today wasn't my day, was it?

When I was halfway towards my house, Kristen called me up and told me that she was feeling very tired and won't be able to come. I was pissed at her but I understood too. But when she posted that on the group, everyone started saying that they were tired too. I got even more pissed off. If these people knew that they get tired after the paper, then why didn't they realize that in the past one week?

When I got home, I was so upset! Eventually I spoke to my parents who managed to calm me down. They suggested that Alex and I go somewhere for dinner and I was in a good mood again.

Alex and I went to a restaurant and had a heart-to-heart after a really long time. I had a really good time. I was satisfied.

I'm currently binge watching '13 Reasons Why'. I'm 3 episodes in and I'm liking it so far. It's a mystery/thriller and therefore lands up right under my alley.

The day has gone now so I shall forget about my anger. For now, I look forward to a fun filled vacation!

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