12 July, 2016.

9 0 2

Workshop Day 8.

Today, we had a 'Craft' workshop. It was not that interesting. First of all, my head was still aching because of yesterday's hectic day. I didn't get much sleep last night and I just couldn't get myself to up my energy.

And today's workshop left me frustrated.

I am absolutely rubbish at art and craft. I thought I could manage craft, but apparently, I cannot.

The entire theme behind today's workshop was that 'the paper remembers the folds'. We were told to make fans out of the paper and then try to make alternates of- what the teacher called- 'mountains and valleys'.

Initially I was able to replicate what the teacher showed us. But when she started towards the advance folds, my frustration began. I literally tore two papers out of frustration.

After one point I got so tired of fucking getting those fold done, that a classmate and I went to watch the other class do Zumba. Again, it was super fun to watch them. I literally cannot wait for our batch to have Zumba.

After our lecture, we had our day 2 volunteering day. Today was tough. We had 300 students to accommodate and we ad two rooms instead one. Even then, we were short of space. These people never attend their own college and come in frickin huge numbers for a college visit. We somehow managed the situation and got seats arranged for everyone.

Today, I was totally not in the mood. My head was aching and I didn't have it in me to assist any junior or look after them. Also the activities and presentations done today was exactly the same as it was yesterday. I did not want to hear the same stuff for a second time. So I went to the student office and slept for sometime. I also helped with the registrations and the certificates and I am so glad I chose to do this work today. In the end I helped hand out the certificates to every student.

Today, I felt like I exerted myself a lot. Which resulted in a fever when I came back home. But looking at the positive aspect, I learned registration work, something I had never done before.

I'm glad I learnt something new today.

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