17 June, 2017.

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8th day of my driving classes. I went on the highway again and drove on the fourth gear this time! It seems encouraging that my driver trusts me enough to take me on the highway but it doesn't change the fact that he does most of the break work. It's one of my biggest concerns while driving.

After I came back home, I learnt that we were leaving for Pune! It is my cousin Amanda's birthday tomorrow and she had always wanted to celebrate it in their Pune house along with her cousins.

And that's what she got.

We quickly packed everything and left as soon as Alex came back from his driving class. I managed to make a small card by that time.

When dad asked me to navigate, my mind went back to time I messed up but I vowed to not repeat that mistake. And I gave him the accurate and most importantly, original directions this time and viola we reached the place.

This place is on the outskirts of Pune and it's kind of deserted. The entire 'society', if I can all it that, is a huge peice of land divided into various plots. What I mean to say is that there a no houses unless you buy a plot and build one.

So once we reached, we all got comfortable and had a good chat while the other guests starting arriving in progression.

At night, we had a big feast. We even had alcohol. I tried some drink with very little alcohol content and I didn't like, again. I hate that I don't like the taste of alcohol. I want to like it. I want to bear it.

At 12 we all celebrated Amanda's birthday. She was so happy! For some reason, Amanda always gets left out by her friends. She befriends a lot of people and they form a group but as time progresses, they stop including her in plans and completely outst her. I don't know why. And this has happened in her school and college life. Her lack of good friends makes her feel really lonely and I feel bad for her. I want to be there with her as much as I can so that she realises that there are people who care about her and her happiness.

But I really do wish for her to find friends who will stick by her through thick and thin.

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