1 July, 2017 - NM #6

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Nostalgic Manuscript #6

Last year, we had a session where we had to answer some personal questions. Not exactly nostalgic but it fits with the entire theme of this segment.

1] Name one of your traits that you want to pass onto your children.

2] List two of the most important people in your life.
My brother, my father

3] List two words to describe each of them.
Brother- smart, entertaining
Father- Comforting, forgiving, calm

4] Imagine you have started your own country, what one word would you describe the guiding principle or motto of this country? "In ____ we trust."

5] What's the one thing (person) for which you will be willing to risk your life?
My brother

6] What are the 2 qualities you look for in a life partner?
Trustworthy, helpful

7] Describe yourself in one word.

8] If you could achieve only one thing by the end of your life what would it be?

9] If there were just 2 rules in life that everyone should follow what would they be?
Never be rude to anyone
Respect yourself

10] Think of one person you admire the most. Why?
My father. Supportive, pillar of strength, encouraging.

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