1 June, 2017.

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Today was an okayish day.

In the morning, I finally got fed up of my phone and went to the mobile service centre. Allow me to tell you what happened to it.

When I bought my phone, it did not come with earphones so I had make use of whatever earphones I already had. Now, I'm pathetic at handling earphones and needless to say, this one got damaged too.

Well, almost damaged. I could hear from one side of the earphone and if I pressed the tip of the earphone into the socket on my handset hard enough (you can already tell how brilliant my technological vocabulary is), you could hear it from the other side as well.

One day, the earphone snapped in such a way that a part of it remained lodged inside my phone. I wasn't able to put another earphone in which means no songs, no videos, no phonecalls...

Hence, I had to go to the service centre. My dad dropped me there. Even though my phone was in warranty, it was useless as this was an external issue. So I had to pay some money and wait for my turn to come. I explained my situation to the lady and they told me to wait for half an hour. Cool by me as I'm jobless anyways.

An old man started up a conversation with me. I was okay for a while but then I got fed up of his constant cribbing about 'people now a days'. But yeah, one thing is true. I'm sure these service centre people switch the original parts with defective pieces. I can say this because as soon as they gave my phone back and I left from the place, my phone started acting up. It continuously switched on and off. This never happened to me phone earlier. Infact I never had any problem with the software before this. Fucking annoying! I wasted an hour to get one thing fixed only to be posed with yet another (and more severe) problem.

I went to the service centre and had to wait for yet another fucking hour. Great. By this time it was already 2:30 and I was fucking hungry. I came home, quickly ate my food and then left. To meet Darcy. She wanted to meet up and I didn't really want to be rude and say no. See, I don't mind being her friend but I do not want to be around her all the time. Also, I needed someone to go with me to this month's pop up hut.

I'm not sure if I explained this concept properly earlier or not but I'll explain it once again.

In December last year, Kristen and I landed up at this really small, cute cafe which served pizzas in cones. But this concept would last in that area only for a limited amount of time. Because the basic concept of a pop up hut is that they'll have a menu/caterer change after every month or two. Sometime in February I decided to make it a ritual to visit that place everytime the menu changed. The idea of having a personal ritual felt great.

So this time, the menu was fruit milkshakes and creams. The entire way to the cafe, Darcy wouldn't stop talking about this huge confrontation she had with her best friend who she has a complicated relation with. I don't mind listening to it but there has to be some place where you talk about other things as well.

But I guess the real reason behind my inability to listen to her sorrow story was that my phone had started acting up yet again! Those motherfuckers need to be fired! I'm dead sure they've tampered with my phone and unsuccessfully tried to hide it.

Anyways, we went to the place had our creamshakes. It was very sweet but I love sweet things so it was good for me. The only thing is that Darcy and I should have shared one because I was full by the time I finished half of it. Somehow, both of us managed to finish up our food and we left from there. On our way back, we came across this cute boutique. It was one of those stores where you somehow get branded stuff for cheap. I don't understand how do these shop owners manage to make a profit based off of such stores.

Then we went back home. I'm still so agitated about this phone. Alex has volunteered to accompany me tomorrow which is very sweet of him. But I just hope those assholes finally fix my phone.

For real this time.

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