17 May, 2017

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Today was an exciting day! I finally met Paloma!

So initially we were to meet at 10:20 which got shifted to 10:45 then ultimately to 11, courtesy my dear Paloma.

After meeting her, we went to her college because she had to give an application to review her final examination marks. Apparently she got less marks than expected and the dumb ones got higher than her. No, she is not being proud. I can totally understand her. It's not fair that people who don't give a shit about exams, cheat during papers, get higher marks than you, when you've worked your butt off for the same exams. And no, I can guarantee that these people didn't 'work hard one day before their exams.' I have experience.

Paloma's college work took about 45 mins after which we left for a mall. Paloma had never roamed around this side of the town so she was very excited. We reached the mall at about 12:45 and went straight to Forever 21. We shop within budget.

Only, we weren't there to shop. Our speciality is window shopping.

Whenever Paloma and I go to any store, most of the time we don't go there to buy stuff, just to try them on. So that's what we did for about 45 mins. The store did have some good collection, I must say. I tried this soft as fuck cropped jumper which made me feel all sorts of comfortable. Paloma tried a top or two and with that, we were out.

We went to the food court and after much consideration, settled on Wok. It was good. I've never had Wok before but yeah, I'd take it once again, if I had that choice.

We also had Gelato ice cream, me having my favourite 'Bubble Gum' one. I absolutely love it! Paloma went for a chocolate one.

After that, we strolled in about a store or two after which we left for Paloma's grandmother's house, on the other side of the town. Our train ride was hilarious. We had to run behind (or towards) the train when it stopped much before we anticipated

Here's the deal with Paloma's family. Her mother is a very independent woman and for some reason she doesn't like Pamela visiting her grandmother. It's not because of some rivalry but Paloma's mom doesn't like Paloma disturbing her grandmother for any reason. That's understandable because Paloma's grandmother's gets her entire snacks shelf on the table and becomes the most hospitable host ever, which might not be good for her health. This is why Paloma never lets her mom know when she visits her grandmother's place. I respect that.

We stayed there for about an hour, having a good chat with Paloma's grandmother over a cup of coffee and snacks. There we came to know that Paloma's brother was sick. We spoke about our shopping experiences and decided our plan for the reminder of the evening.

Ultimately we decided to go for a ferry ride.
We reached the place and after standing in two big lines, (first the wrong line, then the correct one) we were finally on the boat.

Considering the fact that I have a bit of a fear of seas and oceans, it was pretty good! I did not feel scared at all! That's probably because the sea wasn't so violent at that time and I was not 'in' the water. We clicked a bunch of pictures and took in the sunset in front of us. It was a very peaceful.

After that, we decided to go window shopping to our favourite store in that part of town. Infact, Paloma was the one to introduce me to the store. While looking through the collection, Paloma's two grandmothers (the real one and her sister) joined us. Paloma can never choose her own clothes and most of the times she calls her grandmothers for approval and indirectly, money. I've become used to that by now so I'm comfortable shopping with them.

After about and hour (and after a small altercation at the payment counter), we left for our homes, me going to Paloma's house. We reached, met her parents and her (unwell) brother. We ate dinner and watched a match. Before Paloma's brother went off to sleep, I played a round of monodeal with him. Or rather he tried teaching me but I couldn't understand shit.

After her brother went to sleep, Paloma and I had a pretty heavy conversation. She told me how strict her parents are, in the sense that they put quite a lot of pressure on her to do well academically. Paloma's mom has had a successful career and she, understandably, wants the same from Paloma. They don't shy away from discussing that/scolding her in front of other people. Currently her vacations are going on and she's still expected to be at home, taking care of the housework and looking after her brother. She feels more sad when she compares her life to that of others.

Honestly, even my parents obviously want me to do well, but they've never pressurised me to a point where I feel suffocated. They don't force me to only focus on my career and forget my social life. I gave some sound advice to Paloma for her situation and hopefully things will get better.

It's 12 o clock now and it's Marissa's Birthday! Time to wish her!

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