10 July, 2016.

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It's party time today!

Today is my friend Jessica's birthday. I'm not exactly that close to her but we have a few common close friends (Pamela and Vanessa). Vanessa has left for college so she wasn't able to come today.

Today morning I completed this book on wattpad called 'Love/Fail' by Blondeanddangerous. I have to say, this is one the best books I've read on wattpad so far. There were quite a few instances that I could relate to. The flow of the book is really good and I like how realistic that book is.

Towards the evening, my grandad left for his home. After that I started getting ready for the party. Since I was going to commute by train and wanted to be comfortable, I decided to wear leaves printed spaghetti top with blue plans, a black chunky necklace finished off with a pair of loafers.

I met Pamela at her place and along with another friend, we left for Jessica's party. I had heard that the area near Jessica's place was 'shady'. But I didn't find anything shady about it. A little aloof, yes, but not at all shady.

We got a little late cause we couldn't find the exact location at first and by the time we reached, the party was in full swing. Every one was on the dance floor with the DJ blaring out the latest hits.

We wished Jessica and met some of our college friends. We started dancing a little bit, not much. I can only dance if I have a dance partner of some sort. I didn't have one today. I didn't have my Sia today. The only time I got pumped up was when the DJ put on 'Work From Home' by Fifth Harmony.

After the dance (which also included an arguement), we ate some delicious food and had ice cream. After that we cut the cake and then began the 'Photo Session'.

Jessica's dad dropped us at Pamela's house afterwhich my dad had to come pick me up cause it was too late and I had no company to come back to my place which is in the other part of the city.

Well, I can certainly say that I socialized a tad bit more today and was a bit more comfortable around people than I normally am.

Which is a good sign.

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