4 July, 2017.

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I don't know how to really describe today's day.

It was essentially a normal college day with interesting lectures but there was this not-so-good feeling at the back of my mind the entire day which I just couldn't shook off.

My day started at 7:00 AM. My first lecture was by this really enthusiastic and young professor who is very passionate about what he does and teaches. And he's given a lot of responsibility and importance by our Dean as well. I personally feel that he is an asset to our college. Anyways, he taught us about analysing a serviceable market. And he used loads of practical examples to explain the steps included in this concept. He also included his own stories which made the class interesting.

After the short break we had a lecture on Tax. I don't know about you but I'm inclined towards finance and I do not find such subjects boring. Since our professor used current data to explain the various concepts, it felt relevant too. He also gave us more information about black money and the currently implemented GST. Really informative.

After this class, we had an another lecture which was okayish since the chapter that we started with today, was done by me a few years back and I remembered quite a few things about it. So nothing new there.

Lunch break was fun. Today there were a lot more people who had got their lunch boxes so we went to our college cafe to eat it. We were on a laughter riot throughout the entire break for some small reason or the other. Kristen became full red by time she finally stopped laughing. It was quite fun and I loved it!

After break, we had a pretty disorganised lecture. This was taken up by a few seniors from my old college. Their basic idea was to make us learn finance through games but it didn't work out as well as it should have. First of, there were 5 of them where only 1-2 people would have sufficed. Then they didn't explain the game very properly, which lead to a lot of chaos. Most of us quickly lost interest. Hopefully, their next classes will be better constructed.

After college hours, Kristen and I had some report work. We were given the task to jazz up a big, dry report using a design software. It was then that I realised how much time and effort it takes to frickin' align all the texts and to make one page of a report look perfect. We invested 2 hours and we only finished jazzing up one and a half page. I'll have to find time to finish the rest of the report since I'm kind of incharge of the graphics now.

While we were working, we overheard a conversation between two teachers. Apparently the new batch have a very negative view about communism and they fully support capitalism.

I don't mean to challenge your intelligence but capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. And communism is a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs. Both of these systems have their advantages and disadvantages.

The new batch apparently consist of people who are fortunate enough to come from well-off families. Their view on this matter is that they are rich because they or their parents/ancestors worked hard to come to that position. The poor people are poor because they are lazy. So instead of helping the poor by providing them with jobs and a slightly better standard of living, they would offer that position to someone who is not lazy aka the rich. This is their thinking.

While I somewhat see where they're coming from, what they're off about is the fact that they think everyone who is poor is lazy. That's not true. Yes, there are some people who have given up on life and fail to find motivation to better their lives but most people do not have the opportunity to show their hardwork and dedication. These people, if offered jobs, will work their best since they know the struggles of living life with bare minimum to no income.

The management has decided to not let that class do any practical CSR work until they are themselves ready to help the needy. Otherwise it's a waste of everyone's time.

At around 5 PM, we were out of campus and left to go back home.

So you see, it was a normal day.

But what's bothering me is the way my group of friends, or even I am behaving toward two girls in my class. Both of these girls have been unsuccessful in making friends for different reasons. One of the two girls is way too wannabe-ish that she repels everyone and the other one behaves way too insecure and... I don't know... needy types.

I personally would not like to hang out with them because I can't be friends with everyone. Howmuchever of a good person I am, even I have my own standards that people must fulfil in order to be my friend.

My group of friends despise them even more than me and they make it known. Yeah, they're kinda rude towards them. They (myself included at times) treat them the same way the 'popular' people treat the others. And that isn't sitting down well with me.

As in, Kristen and I don't want them around us but we're not outright rude towards them. We just kind of ignore them after responding once.

I'm in two minds about this situation because at one side, I know how it feels to not be included and be ignored by everyone and spend a college day alone. But on the other side, I need to hang out with people who I truly want to hang out with. I can't always keep everyone's interest in mind and sacrifice mine.

I spoke to Mia about this and she advised me to continue ignoring them in a subtle way. That's what I'll have to do now. No other option.

I just hope that they get the hint and finally stop being an add on everywhere we go. It would atleast make me feel less guilty.

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