8 July, 2017.

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My morning began with the blog post.

Initially I had decided to write something that I wasn't fully sure about. But then I had an idea which felt perfect for a blog.

I wrote something along the lines of opportunities in my college.

It took me about 5 hours to write it. Yeah, I think way too much while writing. I am really happy with how it turned out. I even showed it to Alex and my dad, who liked it too. They especially liked the subtle dig towards my previous college, which I had added as an element of fun.

By the time I finished my blog post, it was 3 PM. I read Awkward Guy's post too. The boy has some great vocabulary I must say. He spoke about his inhibitions and something really personal. It reminded me of myself in some way. I feel like a lot of prospective students will relate to his post.

Anyways, today was my last day of driving. It should have ideally been my second last day, but since it's a Saturday, we decided to extend the class.

I was super nervous today. This was the last day where someone else had some control over the clutch and break if I did something wrong. I know my dad is very apprehensive of letting me drive his car so I know today is going to be last day that I drive a car for a long time.

And it... wasn't good. The car kept jerking and I couldn't help but hold the steering wheel as tight as I could despite repeated instructions. I think my teacher also feels sympathetic towards me and knows that I'll never be able to drive a car on my own.

After driving, I met up with Alex and my dad who were at a service store for Alex's broken phone. After that, we did some vegetable shopping, got my bag fixed (horribly), bought shoes for Alex and oh, we went to the specs guy to chance my lens. I had a spare specs which didn't do much for my eyesight since it has a relatively low number. I definitely could see better than without any specs but my head still ached.

I'll probably have to skip college for a day or two. Incredible. Let's hope nothing interesting happens in those days.

After shopping, we are dinner at a local restaurant and went home.

Today was a nice father-children day.

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