9 May, 2017.

8 0 0

I woke up at 9:30, which is fairly early for me considerimg the amount of time I've been sleeping lately. But my friends were up much before me.

So after getting up and getting ready, we had a lovely breakfast after which we went to meet a friend at a local cafe. We spoke for a bit. After a while, they started discussing Kristen's ordeal yesterday which I did not appreciate one bit.

So this is what had happened yesterday. Kristen's parents are very strict. They do not allow sleepovers and expect her to be back home by 8 whenever she goes out. Even I have deadlines but her parents are especially particular about it which is absolutely fine. The place we were at was far from Kristen's house and she was expected back by 7:00 PM, which meant she had to leave max by 6:15 PM.

But when she wanted to leave, everyone started persuading her to wait for some more time to meet one of our other friends (who eventually came with her boyfriend). Since Kristen didn't want to seem rude, she stayed back but she was getting late. I could see the indecisiveness on her face. She even had to decide her mode of transport and even if she had something in mind, everyone began giving her useless advices, especially Darcy.

So she left and I thought that was the end of it. But today when we met at the cafe (sans Kristen), they started criticising her. I obviously got very defensive because I can understand Kristen very well. These were the same people who made Kristen late by persuading her to stay back and now they're critising her for the very same reason?! I got even more pissed when Darcy told me not to defend Kristen. It's my fucking wish whoever I want to defend. And you Darcy, you acted damn helpful yesterday. Helping Kristen in places where she doesn't even require your help. And now? You're criticising her and making it all about yourself saying 'I told her so'?! Ridiculous.

Even if I had a small altercation with the bus conductor yesterday, I'm still wary of confrontation so I didn't say anything out of anger but I think I had a 'not-so-pleased' expression on my face.

I left soon after that because I had to be home too and nuh-uh, this time I wasn't letting their persuasion make me late.

I came home, had lunch, spoke to Venus for hours and hours. Talks with her are the best! We can literally talk about anything. So we started off with me telling her how my day and night went, what happened with Kristen (cause Kristen and Venus know each other very well. Infact I became friends with Kristen only because I knew that she knew Venus). Then we gossiped a bit, had an extensive discussion about '13 Reasons Why', spoke about alcohol, gymming, the new French President, our crazy future professions etc..

See how I am comfortable remembering and writing down my conversations with my school and old college friends but not my new college friends? That's the difference.

I slept at 12 today but now it's 3 and I'm up because the FUCKING ELECTRICITY HAS GONE OUT. It's been gone for the past hour and I just cannot sleep with this heat. Alex is up studying for his exams and I think I'm going to go fan him because I know he needs it.

Yeah I'm a good sister sometimes.

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