19 May, 2017.

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More writing work today!

Ms. Paula had called Kristen and I to college today so I got up at around 8 and reached college at around 11.

Since Kristen wasn't able to send her part of the quotes yesterday (she did some other important work tho), I started making the quotes for her. Halfway through, she joined me and we finished that work. This one took more time than anticipated because there wasn't much content to work with. But we did it anyways.

After the quotes, we sat down to write the report. Ideally, a report shouldn't take more than 3 hours to be made but with the amount of difficulty we had while obtaining and deciphering the information, we used the entire duration of our day and weren't even done with half the report! Agreed, we invested a lot of time in lunch-break but stillll!

I have never typed so much in my entire life. I think.

And that's all we did. Typed, ate food, fooled around, annoyed each other by clicking pictures and sending it to Venus, and typed some more.

It sounds like nothing but it was a lot of work. After coming home, I worked on my part of the report some more but I just couldn't get myself to look at a screen for another minute. I started having a migraine and I'm not sure how I'm even writing this right now.

I think I should just rest today, freshen up and complete the damn thing tomorrow.

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm going to do.

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