23 June, 2017.

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Guess who went to Clue Hunt again?

My school friends wanted to meet up. Normally, we go to someone's house but this time we wanted to go out somewhere. We could have done lunch but I suggested this idea and everyone liked it. So the plan was set. Plus this time, Marissa was going to come too.

So in the evening I got dressed and left for the place. The six of us (Emily, Mia, Nova, Mikayla, Marissa and I) met each other and it was so good and refreshing to see them again! We then went for the Sherlocked room this time.

When we entered the room, there was mark of a body in the centre of the room and we had to find out who killed the dude. This was interesting.

We all began to look for clues in separate directions. And we were pretty quick. There was one clue which required a substantial amount of railway line knowledge so that was my thang. There was phone recorder, there were maps with hidden symbols, a suitcase and lots and lots of keys.

We had fun but to be completely honest, of I ever decide to come here again, I will never come with more than 3 people. The place is extremely small and most of the times, someone or the other has already solved something and you don't even know about it. It kind of kills the thrill. Nonetheless, we had a good time and by 7 PM, we were out of that place.

There was sleepover plan after this. Mia and Marissa were not able to come for it so Mikayla took Emily, Nova and me to her house in her car. We took some snacks on the way too. Mikayla drives well dude! It even started raining but she was driving like a pro.

So Nova and Mikayla have had a love-hate relationship and Emily and I were kinda looking forward to what will happen at the sleepover. I was surprised when Mikayla convinced Nova to come Nova happily agreed. Well, that's a good sign.

After coming to Mikayla's place, we watched a bunch of movies, spoke, laughed and had the time of our lives. At around midnight, Nova started acting a bit wierd. She was continuously looking at us like she wants to tell us something but was holding back. When we asked her about it, she asked us we were okay if she invited a guy over. She had met this guy on Tinder.

I have never had an experience where I'm having a sleepover with someone and another guy has come over. But I guess this is normal cause Mikayla had no problem with it. Honestly, if it were my house, I wouldn't allow it but if Mikayla is okay with it, why should I have problem? Infact, I didn't have problem at all.

So the guy came over. He looked pretty decent and actually made an effort to talk to us. We were watching Despicable Me and I half expected him to judge us and make a face but he didn't do any of that. He instead watched a bit of the movie with us and laughed along with us.

Then Nova took him to one of the rooms because they wanted to talk in privacy. We were in the living room so we could atleast see the lights from the bottom of the door.

After sometime, suddenly, out of nowhere, Mikayla gets a message from Nova saying 'Help me' 'Try to get us out of the room'. We all got tensed. First of all, out the three of us, Nova chose to send a text to the one who she hasn't even chatted with in over a year. But apart from that, the message itself... but when Mikayla and I strategically went and tried to get them outside, Nova refused to come out. Weird.

After sometime, the lights in that room shut. I immediately got up to see what the fuck was going on in that room but Mikayla stopped me and asked me to let them be. I dropped it but was still wary.

After about half an hour, they both came out and the guy left. We immediately pounced on Neha and demanded an explanation for that cryptic message, her refusal to come out when we tried helping her and the shut lights.

She told us that she had started speaking to this guy a while back and that they had never exaclty met face to face. At one point, after going inside the room, she felt a bit unsafe with him that is why she sent the message. But as time passed, she relaxed and figured that the guy had no bad intentions.

When she didn't answer my third question, Mikayla figured that did something inside and Nova shut the lights to become less self conscious. Now what exactly they were doing inside has been left to our imagination. Not sex, for sure. Nova wouldn't do that to us. Plus, it would have taken time and we didn't hear anything.

Emily has gone off to sleep now. I'm pretending to sleep becausecause I can hear Nova and Mikayla talking to each other and remeniscing about the school days when they were inseparable.

I'm really happy that they're having this conversation and I don't want to mess this moment by waking up.

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