20 May, 2017.

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Today was another report writing day but with a bit of a twist.

I didn't have to go all the way to college for the work. Instead, I went to Kristen's house.

In the morning, I completed almost everything of my part of the work. The sleep did help me to freshen up and energize for the ton of writing work that I had to do today.

After lunch, I got ready and left for Kristen's house. Kristen stays on one the hills in town near all the Churches so I got a bit lost up there but eventually I found the place.

Kristen lives in a joint family but most of her them were out vacationing so it turned out well for us. As soon as I entered, I was in full on work mode. Kristen on the other hand, thought we'd chill a little before working. But nah, we had to get the work done today. So we worked for the majority of the day.

During the time we weren't studying, Kristen offered me banana milkshake (she knew that's only milkshake I drink) which was pretty good! She made instant noodles for us, which, honestly, I'm going to have to teach her the proper way to make. Hers was just soupy. Then we had some cold drinks and snacks. Very hospitable indeed.

At one point Darcy called us up. She was vacationing with her family, which she wasn't really enjoying. I think she got a bit jealous or felt betrayed when we told her that I'm at Kristen's house. Honestly, Darcy expects more than she should so I'm not going all out to explain my situation to her.

On the other hand, we called up Venus and she was a ray of sunshine. She told us about the new movie 'The Circle' that she watched and how much she loved it.

Ultimately, by the end of the day, we finally finished our report. We had to tweak a lot of the answers due the ever increasing difficulties but I don't think anybody's going to notice it.

That's what I hope.

I just wasn't able to get a ride back to the station from Kristen's place. I had to walk down the entire hill, with Venus thoroughly enjoying my situation, to finally find a ride. And even then the traffic slowed me down by approximately half an hour. At one point I just abandoned my ride midway and walked all the way to the station. I had to be home by dinner time, by hook or by crook.

And I did reach on time!

So today we finally finished our report. Honestly, this was not a great start to my year on the content team. Even Kristen admits that this was by far the most difficult report she has ever had to write. Hopefully we won't have to make any major changes to the report and we can finally get our hands off it.

Another productive working day for me. Woohoo!

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