13 July, 2016.

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Today was an interesting college day.

There is this start up company which our college has partnered with to make us work ready/develop our professional behaviour.

We're going to have a workshop from this company every Wednesday.

Today, we started our session with the founder of the company introducing herself, her company and her colleagues and informing us about how they're going to go about with these workshops.

I found their process really interesting. There is this policy called 'Hire/ Fire Yourself Policy' where each student will start with 100 professionalism points. Suppose I'm given some work and I complete it within the deadline, I'll get 15 points. But if I fail to meet the deadline, 15 points will be deducted from my professionalism score.

Today's lecture theme was 'A walk down the memory lane' Each of us had to select a candy from a bunch of 6 different candies provided. According to the candies chosen we were supposed to share something from our childhood to our partners.

After that, we were given a sheet of paper. We had to create a timeline inculcating our highest and lowest points in a chronological order. After that, we had to share it with the person sitting behind/in front of you. The idea was to show how different people are from each other. Which is absolutely true. The girl whom I had to share my time line with came from a boarding school where, according to her, life was fucking amazing. She shifted to our city when she was in 11th. Life in 11th grade was horrible for her. She was the shy types and just couldn't adjust to the change in the curriculum (rings a bell, doesn't it?). In the 12th tho she overcame all of those hurdles and now she's become an extovert. She likes to ride horses and rides one every morning, which I thought was very commendable.

She advised me to become carefree and try to let go of things.

I'm still trying to do that girl.

I did not go for volunteering work today because I was still not fully well and I wanted to preserve my energy for tomorrow.

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