8 June, 2017.

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I went to college again today.

Did the same invigilating task. Which, I shall repeat one more time, is much better than faking to parents. Let that be Darcy's job. Let her fool parents into thinking that our college is superior than the others in town. I shall do my own thing.

After I came back home, I began baking a cake for Kristen. It was her birthday a few days ago but since I wasn't in town, I couldn't go meet her. She being the sweetest person she is, was okay with it and decided to keep her treat on the 9th, when whoever she wanted to invite were free.

Since last year, I have been making a list of everything Kristen would like as a gift so that I have them ready for her birthday. But as luck would have it, I had no time to search of any of them. To be fair, a lot of them were specific food items from a specific store which required her existence. So yeah.

I decided to do the next best thing. Bake her a cake. And that's what I did. My mom/Grandmom's recipe was out, ingredients were bought, the oven was heated, my hands were put to work and viola! A cake on my table. Well, it wasn't the best cake I had made but it was something.🙈

Kristen's treat is going to be different. A party was out of question since she is planning on inviting only three people (Venus, Darcy and I). She didn't want a typical lunch or dinner because that's clichéd as fuck and also it would be awkward since Venus and Darcy don't know each other and Kristen and I would have constantly had to juggle between topics that Venus knew and the ones that Darcy knew.

Kristen didn't want any of that bullshit so she has decided to take us to Clue Hunt which I think is GREAT idea. It's essentially a place where you're locked in a room and you need to get out by hunting down various clues. All this needs to be done in an hour.

I have been wanting to go there since ages and I finally get to do that. I'm super pumped for tomorrow.

So I shall get a good sleep right now so that I have all the energy for tomorrow.

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