2 June, 2017.

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Today was a day full of packing. I'm not normally a last minute packer but somehow I managed to procrastinate this till the end But I'm not going for a lot of days so it's alright. So I packed, but only after getting my phone fixed. Hope it doesn't get damaged now.

I'm going to Pune tomorrow and I'm pretty stoked! I'll talk more about it in tomorrow's chapter. But Alex, my cousins Parker and Pamela, and I will be living in Parker's apartment there.

Parker is my age and he's living at Pune on his own. For some reason he didn't want to live in the hostel that the college provided so he settled for an apartment, where he lives alone. And he's surviving.

This has got me thinking about my own apprehensions about hostels.

I wouldn't call myself pampered but I am 18 years old and I still live in the comfort of my parents home (It's my home too but.. you know... to add dramatics...). My mom is an excellent housewife and she takes care of everything. So living alone or even with someone else for a prolonged amount of time will pose a big difficulty for me.

I can't cook for nuts. The only things I know is to make instant noodles and scrambled eggs. And I can't survive on just that everyday. Nor can I afford to eat outside everyday. It's not even good health-wise. So that's a problem.

Another reason, which is personally very terrifying, is getting a good room-mate. I'm absolutely terrible at making new friends. Slight exaggeration there but still. I'm a really reserved person in front of strangers because of which I am unable to come up with topics to talk about, beyond the small talk ones. I've heard people say that living in a hostel is like having a sleepover every day but it's not fun if you don't get along with your 'roomies'.

See, I'm kind of on the boring side of the social spectrum. I don't drink (yet), I don't smoke, I don't smoke up, I don't go out partying, I don't date, I almost never have gossips, I don't go for night outs or any of the fun, youth stuff. I'm what you can call a nerd. Not that that's a bad thing. Infact my aim last year was to be called a nerd. But that's beside the point.

The point I'm trying to make here is, I don't think my roommate (assuming she is into all of the above mentioned activities) will enjoy my company. In a different view point, I wouldn't like to be pressurised into getting into things I don't willingly want to do.

Another small reason, which I have noticed in the case of Mia, is that if you have a conflict with someone, you can't run away from him/her. Because you'll see each other after another hour or so. Not that I get into a lot of arguments with people but there are a lot of people in my current college whom I wouldn't want to see on a daily basis, after college hours. So that.

And that's the perception of a hostel life that I have. Especially in a foreign institution. Some of them might make sense, some of them might not. But we'll see if I ever actually live in a hostel or not.

For now, I'm putting all my focus on tomorrow.

Cause tomorrow's the day I've been waiting for the most in this entire vacation.

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