7 July, 2017.

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Today's day started on a not so good note.

There is this story on Wattpad that I'm currently reading. I left a light hearted sarcastic comment on the book (as I usually do) and I guess it didn't sit down well with the author. He/she sent me a private message saying something along the the lines of insulting his/her work and to keep my (seemingly rude) comments to myself.

I had no idea that one sarcastic comment could illicit such a response. Even though I made that comment on a character and not the author (Believe me. I will never ever insult someone's work to their face/in a public manner) and the fact that I found his/her message a bit uncalled for, somewhere or the other I understand what he/she might have felt. I've apologised to the author who has in turn graciously accepted it.

Having said that, I will say that I would not take my comment back because, I comment what I genuinely feel about what I read. And for this comment in particular, if you look at it from my point of view and my thought process at the time, I wasn't being rude. There is a possibility that the same comment on another book would not have hurt another author. It's pretty subjective.

I will never stop reading a good book just because I've had a small altercation with the author. But even though everything's settled now, I don't think I'll comment on that book again. I'm not happy with being misinterpreted.

On to the rest of my day.

It's been 5 days since college officially began and I've loved the butt load of  new information and knowledge that has been imparted to us. But now, I want a certain organization. I want to know what exactly our syllabus is so that I know what to concentrate on. Right now, I don't know what is important from our curriculum point of view. I'll be happy if they get that in order next week onwards.

Our first lecture was Entrepreneurship and this was the first time someone explained the entire syllabus to us. I now know what I must gain from his lectures. Oh and the syllabus is pretty impressive. I'm not sure if I want to be an entrepreneur or not, but I do want to learn about an entrepreneurial mindset and skills.

We have divided ourselves into groups. Every group leader is now a boss. And the rest of us are subordinates. Throughout the entire semester, there are going to be a number of challenges that we'll go through, number of decision that we'll have to make.

But the boss has the most difficult decisions to make because at sometime during the semester, the boss will have to fire somebody.

Yup, our professor has promised us more such unexpected twists and turns and I'm super excited. What makes it more enticing is that my group is full of my friend circle and my boss is Kristen. This ideally shouldn't be a good situation but it makes things interesting for sure.

I look forward to Entrepreneurship classes.

During break I got to know that Ms.Paula has some work for me. So I went to her and she gave me (and two others) a task of writing a blog post for the upcoming college blog site. And we are to submit it tomorrow morning by 11.

After break, we had a lecture by a professor who is probably one of the most qualified faculty in college, but that has come with a prize of a huge ego. He doesn't believe in creating a rosy picture. His world runs on facts and practicality. Even though I like his no-nonsense attitude (which means he doesn't entertain the usual suck-ups), what I don't like about him is that he has a very pessimistic view towards us and probably life in general.

Though he agrees with the general fact the economy of our country will change because of our generation, he scoffs at the fact that it is us that the future of our country depends on. He kind of treats us as good for nothings, which is a bit pissing off.

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