chapter 2

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As I am watching the rest of the Show from back stage I get a call from Harry. Harry and I Are still seeing each other but we are having issues with trust and things just aren't going well. I pick up the phone.

"Hello?" I say in a modified tone.

"I need to tell you something". he says in a nervous way. I kept thinking Here we go again I try not to sound mad and answer me.

"what now Harry?" I say rolling my eyes.

"its not what you think ... but if you see pictures of me kissing a girl just know it meant nothing". 

"Harry are you serious!? AGAIN! why do you keep kissing girls!".  I yelled and got up from my seat. 

" I'm tired of this!  if it doesn't mean anything why do u keep doing it!!  look I am done I am done with your excuses and your Attitude and I'm getting all this Hate for nothing! and you don't really seem to care. its like you don't love me look I'm sorry but its over!" I then hang up the phone and begin to cry I never yell like that but I just couldn't help it. I quickly wipe my tears because I hear foot steps coming towards me in my dressing room.

I hear a knock "Who is it!?" I say in a cracky voice

"its Ed!" ed says in his normal British tone. I quickly look in the mirror and wipe my tears but you can tell I have been crying I'm puffy and my eyes are red

"Coming". I say I open the door ed is standing there.

"what's wrong Taylor?". he says in a concern voice.


Taylor opens the door and I can tell she's been crying I walk in and I shut the door behind me I hate to see her like this. but its been happening a lot lately her and Harry have been fighting a lot.

  "what's wrong Taylor?" I say trying to comfort her my grabbing her hand and bring her to her couch.

"its nothing". she says wiping her face.

"come on Taylor there's obviously something wrong or else u wouldn't be crying.

"I can't do it!" she says and starts crying again  and puts her arms around my neck and hugged me she laid her head deep in my neck and shoulder I quickly but my arms around her rubbing her back trying to comfort her.

"you don't need him Tay....he doesn't deserve you he's and ass and your ...your....perfect." I say while still hugging her I can feel her heart begin to race against my chest I can

feel her breathe with her lips pressed to my neck. she didn't say anything.

"Taylor look at me...". I say she then pulls away from me and turns her head to me. her eyes are so blue I fall in love with her every time I see them.

"Taylor you don't need him you will get over him I promise until then I will be here with you." I said still looking at her.

"thank you Ed ... how did I get so lucky to have you?".  she said and hugged me again.


Hey guys so what do you think of the story so far!?  comment on what you think of it and vote thanks!

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