Chapter 88

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Taylor POV.

I've been thinking a lot about buying a house with Ed. I've been wanting to talk to Ed about it but, it didn't seem to bother him so I set it aside.

'Food baby!!' Ed comes rushing into my living room holding his stomach. I laugh so hard.

'what happened? you eat too much!' I laugh.

'Why did you leave your cake and Cookies and brownies out!' He wines holding his stomach then falling on the couch laying his head on my lap.

'I did a massive baking day yesterday and I didn't know you were going to eat it all.' I say looking down at him.

'Well screw the diet I've been on.  I just gained 10 pounds staring at It then 20 more when I ate it.' he says looking up at me.

'Stupid boy.' I laugh and poke the top of his nose.

'Here I saved you one.' he says and pulls out a smashed brownie from his pocket.

'Ew Ed throw it away.' I smack his hand away from my face and the brownie fell on Eds face. I smashed it and rubbed it all over his face. Getting it in his hair and nose.

He quickly got up and looked at me as I laughed hysterically at him.

He wiped it with his hand and shoved it in my face.

My mouth fell open.

'No you didn't?' I say not moving my face . Realizing I'm going to have to take a shower and change out of my new outfit I just bought yesterday , Re do my hair and makeup.

'I think I did.' he laughed and fell back on the couch putting His hands on his stomach and laughing. I jumped on him knocking the wind out of him.

'Shouldn't have ate so much!' I say sitting on his stomach. I kissed his lips and ran to the shower.


This girl she's not going to get away with this. I walk upstairs Quietly and noticed Taylor in the shower with the door halfway open she's singing . I smile a bit and go look for Meredith. Once I spot her I open the shower curtain and Taylor has soap running down her body and face. I quickly throw Meredith in.

Taylor POV.

I'm washing the soap from my hair when I here meowing . Meredith must be in the bathroom waiting for me to get out. So I don't think anything of it when I feel something on my legs so I freak out and open my eyes with soap in my eyes and see Meredith wet in the shower with me.

'Ed!!!!!!' I yell at the top of my lungs when I hear laughing so I open up the curtain and see Ed laughing .

'My eyes!! ' I yell , jumping frantically and moving my hands in front of my eyes trying to get air in them.

'Oh shit.' Ed says once he's done laughing as I'm in pain and can't see anything. He grabs my Rob and helps me in it I know he was looking at me as I was naked and wet and still had soap in my hair but , I just needed to rinse my eyes. I rinse my eyes with water from the sink while ed turns off the shower.

I dry my face but, I still can't open them.

'Let me see.' Ed says and tries to open them with his fingers and blow into them. I finally get them open but there blood shot read and they still burn a bit and its a little blurry but, its getting better.

'Idiot' I say and smack him on his shoulder.

'I'm so sorry.' he says and kisses my Cheek.

Ted Sweeran ( So in love)Where stories live. Discover now