Chapter 72 Air Balloon

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Taylor POV

'Bye Toby I had a nice time.' I say folding my arms as it was cold out side.

'Yeah me 2 ... I'll see you tomorrow then. I got something fun planned out... Flying in an air balloon seems cool.' He says in his cute accent.

I smile as I then go inside my house.

I rub my fingers through my hair.

'Woah...' I say to myself. With a short smile on my face. That was romantic,  almost like a movie and I was definitely blushing all the way home.


'Ed!' my brother comes yelling and coming into my room .

'I'm trying to sleep what?' I say getting up.

'Taylor... She's moved on.' he says and throws me his phone with Taylor kissing This guy. I threw the phone across my room.

'I don't care anymore!' I say. when really I did. Never have I felt this much heart break and this much ache for someone. That's it I'm getting Taylor back.

'Bro! when's the next awards show in America? One that Taylor will be at?' I ask.

'Um, I think there's one next week for the Country music awards...... Why?' he asks very confused.

'Nothing....' I say calmly.

Taylor POV

'Karlie that was different...' I say.

'I saw the pictures you like him Taylor...' She says. My stomach Turned by those words.

'Yeah as a friend...' I say trying  to sound convincing.

'Oooo Taylor! you have a Crush on him! THIS IS SO CUTE TO WITNESS.' she says with joy over the phone that began to make me get excited.

'Alright maybe a little...' I say shyly .

'I knew it! I could tell in the pictures the way you guys were getting it on. So where is he taking you?' She asks.

'We're going on a air balloon... which I'm a little freaked out because those things are high.' I say.

'You'll be fine hey I have to go. Photoshoot. Love you.' She says I say my good byes and get ready for bed.





'Yikes!  this is getting really high.' I say to Toby, looking at the ground holding on to the edge of the basket that we're in and gripping it tight.

'I got you,  your fine I promise' he says and stands behind me gripping the basket his hands next to mine. Me in between him and the basket . I got butterflies I'm not going to lie. I could feel him on my back. I could feel his hand on the side of mine. He did make it less scary. I've been on planes millions of time but being in an air balloon is a whole different experience. I've never been on one.

'You okay now?' He says. Still standing behind me.

'A little bit,  yes...' I say almost scared to speak . he made me nervous..... for the first time,  I'm nervous near him.

what's wrong with you Taylor? I say to myself in my head.

'You ever been on one of these?' He asks as he comes and stands by my side as I felt scared again but tried not to show it.

'Nope.' I say very brief  I close my eyes.

'Your okay... You wanna leave? paparazzi can't really see us from up here any ways.' he comes behind me again keeping me safe between him and the basket situation.

Toby and me Ended up leaving and he took me to this Place to go eat dinner. It was really good he gives the best dates . Dates that I've never been on.

'So how long are we going to continue this , Whole dating stuff?' he asks.

'I don't know..... honestly I guess until I'm officially over him.'  Say taking a sip of water.



'Thanks Toby you always have the best day planned out.' I give him smile.

'Well even if we're just pretending I like to treat the women I have in my life right. Your an amazing person and you've done a lot for me.' he says. I smile at his comment.

'You wanna be my date to the Country music awards next week? ' I ask.

'Love too' he gushes. He smiled at me and we said our goodbyes.

Ted Sweeran ( So in love)Where stories live. Discover now